Capital improvements vs repairs and maintenance
Capital improvements vs repairs and maintenance: What’s the difference?
May 01, 2023
Maintaining your buildings’ assets is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. The common areas require a broad range of routine maintenance and repairs to keep them looking good and operating smoothly.
Six steps to implement condo EV charging stations
Six steps to implement condo EV charging stations
May 01, 2023
If your high-rise condo is ready to start looking into electric vehicle charging stations, these steps can provide a holistic overview of the process and what you can expect.
Understanding HOA special assessments & special assessment taxes
Understanding HOA special assessments & special assessment taxes
Apr 28, 2023
If you live in a residential community or are looking to purchase a home in a homeowner association (HOA), then you are most likely familiar with the term “HOA fees.”
What is the Role of a Property Manager
What is the role of a property manager?
Apr 28, 2023
When you think of a residential community, your mind may often turn to association fees, rules, and groundskeeping. Very rarely do you realize that a professional property management company usually manages these communities, with a property manager or community association manager (CAM) overseeing the day-to-day management of the community.
Buying in an HOA community: Evaluating HOA financials & more
Buying in an HOA community: Evaluating HOA financials & more
Apr 28, 2023
So your diligent search for that home of your dreams has finally led you to one that fits all your criteria. However, it is in an association, and you have known people who belonged to condo or homeowners associations (HOAs) that were poorly run or financially mismanaged.
HOA pet rules: 4 things to know
HOA pet rules: 4 things to know
Apr 27, 2023
If you live in a pet-friendly community, it’s essential that your association board set boundaries to keep order within your community. Many of the issues that become problems in pet-friendly communities have very little to do with the pets – after all, they can’t clean up after themselves.
Creating a lifestyle program using community amenities
5 steps to create a lifestyle program using community amenities
Apr 21, 2023
Now more than ever, communities are searching for ways to increase resident engagement and create a social atmosphere. One way managers capitalize on their available community amenities is through lifestyle programming.
HOA committees: HOA committee roles and responsibilities
HOA committees: Understanding HOA committee roles and responsibilities
Mar 22, 2023
Thriving HOA committees have typically attributed “success by committee” as a factor for their growth. But what are actual HOA committee roles and responsibilities?
Master association management - master planned neighborhood
Master association management – one company or several?
Mar 22, 2023
If you live in a master-planned community, you are a member of its master association. As the umbrella association for the community as a whole, the master association maintains common areas such as community roads, entrances, and amenities.
HOA president duties
HOA president duties and responsibilities
Mar 20, 2023
The HOA board is the foundation of an active residential community.
8 community event ideas to engage your residents
8 community event ideas to engage your residents
Mar 20, 2023
For many people, one of the reasons for joining a homeowner association is to have access to community events and resident lifestyle programs.
HOA secretary duties: What does a secretary of a board do?
HOA secretary duties: What does a secretary of a board do?
Mar 08, 2023
Every board of directors, whether for a Fortune 500 company or your community association, needs a great secretary. The secretary is responsible for maintaining those records accurately, including meeting minutes, bylaws and membership records.