Want to Make Your Community Smoke-Free? Four Tips to Help
The dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke have been highlighted in recent years. Smoking also affects our physical environment by increasing risks of fire and property damage, raising insurance rates and increasing legal liability. -
Ask the HOA Insurance Experts: Why are Premiums Spiking by 30%?
Insurance premiums are on the rise. Find out why the markets are hardening and find the right coverage for your Arizona association. -
Local Law 152: Updated Requirements for Boards and Buildings
Is your building prepared for Local Law 152 gas piping inspections? FirstService Residential recommends getting ahead of schedule to avoid unforeseen deficiencies and costly fines. -
Email Communication
You may be unaware that you are opening up all of your emails to scrutiny. When using a personal or work email address to conduct association business, there is a potential liability involved. -
5 common HOA problems & board mistakes to avoid
We’ve highlighted four common board blunders and included some practical tips for avoiding them. It’s important to identify these potential blunders early to save yourself and your board time and frustration. -
Before Creating a New HOA Policy, Ask These 5 Questions
Great policies can help your association run smoothly, enhance the resident experience and improve your reputation. Here are five questions to ask before creating a new HOA policy. -
Don’t Be the HOA Bad Guy: 4 Proven Policy Enforcement Tips
Enforcing HOA policies is nobody’s cup of tea, but having good policy enforcement in place helps improve the resident experience and elevates your reputation. Follow these 4 principles for healthy policy enforcement: -
Post-Crisis HOA Cash Management: 3 Tips for Your Association
How do you manage collections and HOA funds after a crisis? Get 3 tips to help you plan for the future -
6 Ways Your Board Can Improve HOA Meetings
Having a diverse group of opinions and perspectives on your HOA board can be a great thing, but it can also lead to challenges because of conflicting personalities. To set you and your association up for success, here are 6 tips to improve board meeting dynamics. -
Does Your Strata Corporation Have A Plan For Fostering A Sense Of Community?
Humans are social creatures with a deep-seated yearning for connection and community. This is particularly evident in a strata corporation, where a strong sense of community can be the difference between long-standing residency and high turnover. -
Five Ways to Make Your Strata Council Meetings More Effective
Undoubtedly, running meetings is one of the most ;challenging parts of being on your strata council. Members sometimes get off track. Disagreements sometimes turn into arguments. Short discussions sometimes become long-winded monologues. Is there anything you can do to make your council meetings more effective? -
Strata Annual Maintenance Planning Infographic
A maintenance plan is a great tool for organizing and discussing a Strata Corporation’s property repairs and maintenance. -
The Six Secrets to Building Your Strata’s Volunteer Pool
As a council member for your strata corporation, you know that your community depends on volunteers to operate successfully. However, finding residents who are willing to be on your council, join a committee or help at an event can be challenging. -
Depreciation Reports: What You Need to Know
A depreciation report provides an inventory of your Strata Corporation’s common property and assets, their projected 30-year maintenance and replacement cost. It is a useful tool for Strata Councils when it comes to budgeting for capital projects and it also gives transparency for owners and buyers on the building. -
5 HOA Board Blunders to Avoid
To set you and your association up for success, we’ve pulled together a list of common board blunders and included some practical tips for avoiding them. If you can identify these early, you may save yourself (and your board) from a lot of frustration. -
Before Creating a New HOA Policy, Ask These 5 Questions
Great policies can help your association run smoothly, enhance the resident experience and improve your reputation. Here are five questions to ask before creating a new HOA policy. -
Don’t Be the HOA Bad Guy: 4 Proven Policy Enforcement Tips
Enforcing HOA policies is nobody’s cup of tea, but having good policy enforcement in place helps improve the resident experience and elevates your reputation. Follow these 4 principles for healthy policy enforcement: -
Six simple California HOA board meeting rules for success
A great board meeting should have a balance of diverse opinions and discussions that are rooted in your community’s overall vision. Start with these 6 simple HOA board meeting rules. -
How to run an HOA: 10 habits to improve your community association
While the start of the new year is typically heralded as the best time to change old habits and commit to new ones, the reality for community associations and their board members is that there’s no time like the present. These 10 changes will help you get your board and your community association on the right track for the rest of the year. -
A guide to community event planning
Organizing and planning an event for your homeowner (HOA) or community association can be simple. Discover steps to organizing events here. -
A board member's guide to managing an HOA pool
Many people want to live in a community that has a swimming pool, and if there’s one in yours, you know what kind of value it brings. While it’s great to think of all those hot days when you and your neighbors can enjoy an afternoon in the water, with it comes many responsibilities community association board members must adhere to that go beyond staying cool or keeping in shape. -
HOA financial management: Tips for greater financial strength
So what’s the most important aspect of your community? Is it aesthetics? Sense of belonging? Neighbors knowing neighbors? Desirability to home buyers? -
Four home safety tips for the holidays
It's the most wonderful time of the year but not if your holidays are cut short by a fire, an accident or a theft. Taking these 4 safety precautions can prevent such misfortunes.