
Showing 265 - 288 of 379
  • The High-Rise Effect: Social Media 101

    Find out how your condo association could benefit from the online presence you deserve!
  • 8 Social Strategies to Manage Online Presence in HOAs & COAs

    Do you use social media to manage online presence for your association? See our top 8 ways to maintain a positive reputation across multiple platforms.
  • The Ups and Downs of HOA Rental Restrictions, Texas: What Every Association Should Know

    Rental restrictions, like many other association policies, have their ups and downs and can be a hot topic of conversation for homeowners association (HOA) boards. While governing documents sometimes address this issue, more often the intricacies of individual communities and the specific character of residents can make this a more subjective matter. If your community is considering implementing or updating its community rental policy, here are a few things you should consider.
  • Ways of Choosing a Vendor That Won't Put Your HOA at Risk

    No matter what kind of vendor your HOA needs – a caterer for your onsite party, a roofer to repair post-hurricane damage or a painter to spiff up your lobby – your board should never take a casual approach to the hiring process.
  • 'Tis the Season: Community Decor & Vendor Management

    There's just something about living among a community with lights stretched around each tree that inspires a childlike enthusiasm for what lies ahead.
  • Top Five Tips for Board Member Success

    After partnering with thousands of board members like you, we've identified 5 tips to help you be successful this year.
  • What You Need to Know About Short-Term Rental Liability

    Online access to user-friendly host platforms like Airbnb & HomeAway have contributed to skyrocketing numbers of short-term rentals. While a vast majority of rental stays are uneventful, the sheer number of travelers who use these services mean that accidental or even fatal injuries can occur. Take action to make sure that your homeowners' association is educated on insurance risks and coverage for the unexpected.
  • What Your HOA Needs to Know About Community Insurance

    How much do you know about community association insurance? Although your bylaws and declarations include requirements to provide community association insurance coverage, most board members don’t know as much about it as they should.
  • Why transparent communication matters in your HOA budget committee

    Before planning next year's budget, carefully examine how HOA and COA budget transparency shows residents how their money will make a visible difference.
  • Email Communication

    You may be unaware that you are opening up all of your emails to scrutiny. When using a personal or work email address to conduct association business, there is a potential liability involved.
  • Email Communication

    You may be unaware that you are opening up all of your emails to scrutiny. When using a personal or work email address to conduct association business, there is a potential liability involved.
  • 4 Ways Your Board Can More Effectively Communicate Your Condo’s Budget

    Creating your condominium corporation’s annual budget is one of the most important responsibilities your board has. It takes a lot of hard work and may require spending decisions that won’t be popular with unit owners. Consequently, owners may voice strong objections or even question the board’s ability to manage the corporation’s money.
  • Building Security Tips for the Holiday Season

    Security risks increase exponentially during the holiday seasons for high-rise buildings. Many residents travel for the holidays, move to warmer weather during the winter months, or have an influx of guests and family members in and out. These factors make it easy for intruders to make it into the building, especially if there are no procedures in place to track the many people and deliveries in and out of the building.
  • Tips for Creating a Community Newsletter

    Creating a newsletter for your condominium residents that will give them valuable and relevant information is harder to do than it may seem upon first glance. Here are the basic things to consider, brought to you by your property management professionals at FirstService Residential.
  • Creating a Condo Flooring Policy to Address Noise Issues

    When people live in close quarters, it is inevitable that they will hear sounds from neighbouring condos from time to time. Noise between units can be minimized in many ways. One of the most effective tools for a condominium board to implement is a flooring policy that guides owners when they want to replace their floor coverings. Choosing the right products makes a big difference when it comes to the transfer of noise between condominium units.
  • Creating Positive Interactions Between Condo Board Members

    Everyone brings their own assumptions and methods of completing tasks to each group to which they belong. Condominium board members are no different. While the diversity of the group can be its greatest strength, it also can create difficulties between the individual members. It is important to structure condo board meetings in a way that creates a professional and positive working relationship. Here are some tips to help boards achieve this.
  • Cyber-Security Part One: How Residents in Condo Communities Can Protect Their Tech

    Like it or not, we have become very dependent on our technology. Whether it’s a cell phone, tablet or computer, our devices enable us to stay connected, conduct business and access information anywhere, anytime. Yet as convenient as these devices may be, cyber security is simply not a priority for the majority of tech users—despite the increased prevalence of cyber attacks. One recent attack even occurred in our own backyard at the University of Alberta. In part one of our two-part series, we look at why cyber security is so important to condo associations. We also provide important steps that residents in your condo community can take to protect their technology so that sensitive information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
  • Cyber Security Part Two: Board Member Tips for Keeping Your Condo Association Safe

    In part one of this two-part series, we discussed the importance of cyber security to your condo association and the steps that residents can take to protect themselves and their association. In this article, we look at your board’s responsibility in preventing cyber attacks.
  • Defining Condo Corporation Leaders’ Rights and Responsibilities to Create Better Communities

    When your condominium board members (and your property management team, if you are working with a professional management company) have a thorough understanding of their rights and responsibilities, it helps to create a more inviting community. Your community is more likely to be effectively managed and well-maintained, which leads to happier residents.
  • Does Your Condo Corporation Have A Plan For Fostering A Sense Of Community?

    Humans are social creatures. Since the dawn of time, we’ve had a deep-seated yearning for connection and community. This is particularly evident in a condo corporation, where a strong sense of community can be the difference between long-standing residency and high turnover.
  • Eleven Tips to Improve the Security of your Home

    Don’t make it easy for criminals to get into your home. These 11 common sense tips will help homeowners improve the security of their property and make it safer for their families.
  • Five Steps for More Effective Condo Board Meetings

    If you’re like many board members, one of your most challenging jobs is running your condominium corporation’s board meetings. Keeping everyone on task and addressing board member disagreements is not always easy. So what can you do to manage your meetings more effectively?
  • Five Things that Break Your Budget

    Determining the annual budget is an important responsibility that condominium board members know is important to the financial success of their community. This article discusses things to consider when making the important budget line-item decisions.
  • Home for Sale? Six Tips to Add Value and Appeal

    For most people selling a condominium, it is important to stand out from the competition in the real estate market, have a quick sale and obtain the best possible price. But how do you do that? The way your property is presented to potential buyers makes a big difference. Consider these tips to help you achieve real estate sales success.
Showing 265 - 288 of 379