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First came language, then communication. Not long after, telegraphs, telephones, radios and TV (among others) took off. But just when it seemed like the information evolution peaked, social media came onto the scene. Since then, reputation management best practices have also evolved for every industry, including condo property management. But first things first: 

What's reputation management?

Reputation management is the practice of attempting to shape public perception of a person or organization by influencing online information about that entity.1

Why’s it important?

Because your property value depends on it. As a resident and board member, it’s up to you to put your condo’s best foot forward. As a resident, you’d like to be guided to the best solution timely and directly, right? As a board member, the consequences of even one negative review or comment could damage your COA online reputation.

When it comes to building and maintaining your social media reputation, here's what you should know.

For Residents

  • Be Engaging. Besides telling others by word-of-mouth about your condo association, it's also essential to initiate or respond to social posts that inspire discussions between residents. Get involved with:
  • Online Polls. Cast your vote on community additions, policies and more.
  • Groups. Under the overarching umbrella of your association's social media profile, groups are a great way to talk with other residents with similar interests.
  • Status Updates. Responding to direct questions from the association can provide just the solution your board needs. This also gives you an active say in the success of your high-rise community.
  • Photo Albums. Change how you join the conversation. After condo events, family milestones or the always-acceptable pet photos, upload memories of your experience to the association’s photo album. 
  • Events With A View. There's a reason you chose your high-rise over others. Now it's time to build a close-knit community. Use your association's exceptional value and luxury amenities to host events that resonate with your neighbors.

For Board Members

Your social media business page is the official brand of your high-rise that lets residents get connected and stay informed. However, keep in mind:

  • Avoid implied favoritism. Don't "friend" residents but, as a page, feel free to join in on resident conversations often.
  • Err on the side of caution. Know when to take public discussions offline. You can do this by sending a private message or email, making a phone call, mailing a letter, or visiting residents in person.
  • You're a lifestyle ambassador. As the spirited sidekick of your high-rise, keep a glowing perspective of what the condo experience is like.
  • It takes a village. Appoint a fellow board or committee member to monitor your business page and promptly respond to comments. 
  • Confidentiality is key. Keep your condo’s legal information away from all social media.

Social Scraps

These reputation management tidbits can help your social presence thrive!

  • Statuses using emojis have a 33% higher overall engagement rate.
  • 46% of social media users will unfollow a brand if they post too many ads.
  • 86% of users will hesitate to engage with a business with negative reviews.2 
  • Use a monthly social media calendar or meet with your social committee/lifestyle manager to build a community strategy.
  • Free tools like Canva allow admins to create social media images using customized fonts and graphics to match your community’s brand.

There are other ways to connect with your online community!
Download the Best Practices for Condo Board Emails infographic today!

1.  Rouse, Margaret. “Reputation Management.” TechTarget, 2016,
2. Shrestha, Khusbu. “50 Important Stats You Need to Know About Online Reviews.” Vendasta, 2019,
Friday January 07, 2022