electric vehicle charging station
Electric Vehicles are Coming. How to Prepare Your Community for the Surge
Aug 31, 2022
In 2021 the number of electric vehicles on Minnesota's roads doubled, and that number will continue to grow. So how can your community ensure it has the proper EV charging infrastructure to accommodate these types of vehicles?
Jul 27, 2022
HOA comittee
Guidelines for HOA Committees: Different Committees and Their Responsibilities
Jul 15, 2022
Do you know how HOA committees help HOA boards achieve success? Learn more about how your community can benefit from well organized committees.
The Importance of Amenities for your Community
Apr 01, 2022
Amenities continue to rank among one of the most important considerations for prospective buyers in both urban and suburban community settings across the country. The pandemic has caused many to re-evaluate and re-prioritize what type of HOA amenities are most important.
Minnesota HOA president
The eight key HOA president responsibilities
Feb 09, 2022
Serving as an HOA board president can be an honor, privilege, and something you can take great satisfaction in. We've outlined some of the essential roles and responsibilities of a typical HOA board president. Please understand that each association is different, so the information below is to be used to gain a general understanding.
New Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lending Requirements
Jan 28, 2022
New Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lending Requirements have come quickly but how do those changes impact Minnesota? Get to know the ins and outs of the new requirements and how your association should respond.
Community Risk Mitigation Management During the Holidays
Dec 07, 2021
Whether the holiday season is here or just a busy time full of activity, we can become overwhelmed, overtired, and easily distracted, reducing our awareness of potential hazards from theft, injury, or accidents. What can you do to reduce risk over the busy holiday season?
Woman sitting in front of a computer reading a report
Association Special Assessments: How to Avoid Them
Oct 27, 2021
For board members, special assessments are typically unwelcome necessities. They are primarily needed because reserves have been underfunded and must be supplemented to pay for large capital projects such as replacing roofs or mechanical equipment.
Man sitting in front of a computer reading a report
Association Reserve Funding Strategies: Ensuring Your Budget's Success
Oct 06, 2021
As a board member, one of your top responsibilities is to maintain and improve your community’s physical property. But it can be tricky to budget for new amenities like a dog park or gate houses, or shared, common-area assets that will need to be replaced or upgraded years down the line such as roofing or building facades.
Aerial view of HOA board members sitting around a clutted table having a discussion
Five Steps to Better HOA Board Meetings & HOA Board Meeting Protocol
Aug 21, 2021
One of the most challenging aspects of being on the board of your homeowners association (HOA) can be running board meetings. It’s not always easy to keep everyone tuned into the business at hand. In addition, you have to manage the inevitable disagreements among board members. How do you keep these meetings running smoothly?