Recruiting & Training

High-Rise Recruitment Solutions and Training

People matter. From the front desk associate to your general manager, the impressions that your staff leave on residents are critical to building your high-rise’s or mid-rise’s brand. FirstService Residential’s in-house Human Resources team includes HR generalists, benefits specialists, recruiters and trainers. They provide initial and ongoing support to vertical communities, with the goal to:

  • Find the right employees for your association
  • Mitigate legal and management risk
  • Provide a great work-life balance to valuable associates
  • Develop confident associates who are equipped to lead and serve

Vertical communities require a unique level of HR support, especially in the area of customer service training. Along with its own global service standards, FirstService Residential partners with the leader in customer service excellence training, Master Connection Associates. Master Connection Associates has worked with high-end luxury and hospitality brands like Ritz-Carlton to deliver exceptional training tools and quality assurance measures to associates.