
Showing 97 - 120 of 3405
  • Your Checklist for Ensuring the BEST HOA Management Services

    It is always a good idea to evaluate your current HOA management company's performance based on a few key services they provide. After all, the whole point of hiring a professional management company for your homeowners association is to take the daily burden off the board and let the professionals take care of it, right?
  • Watch the HOA Webinar: 3 Budget Blunders to Avoid

    This webinar features a lively discussion on how to prevent 3 common budget blunders as well as best practices on reserve funds, budget planning and more.
  • Watch the HOA Webinar: 3 Budget Blunders to Avoid

    This webinar features a lively discussion on how to prevent 3 common budget blunders as well as best practices on reserve funds, budget planning and more.
  • Watch the Video: Board Alignment – The Secret to a Successful Association

    What does it take to make effective board decisions that enhance your community and improve the resident experience?
  • Watch the Video: Board Alignment – The Secret to a Successful Association

    What does it take to make effective board decisions that enhance your community and improve the resident experience?
  • 3 Ways Your Strata Corporation Can Fund Capital Expenses

    Your strata council may not want to think about future expenses given what you need to spend money on today. But eventually, you’ll need to fund the repair or replacement of your building’s big-ticket components. Whether that means replacing the roof, overhauling the elevators or installing a new heating and cooling system, you can’t overlook these projects. So how does your strata plan to pay for them?
  • 5 Tips to Improve How Your Council Communicates the Strata Budget

    Creating your strata corporation’s annual budget is one of your council’s most important jobs. It takes a lot of time and hard work, and it frequently means making tough spending decisions. Strata members often scrutinize it carefully because of how much it impacts the strata as a whole and themselves as individual homeowners. “The budget affects everyone because it’s something that all the owners in the strata are contributing to,” explains Dylan Murray, controller for FirstService Residential in British Columbia. “You can never over communicate about it.”
  • Five Traits that Make You a Perfect Fit for Your Strata Council

    Are you considering joining your strata council?Here are five traits of the ideal strata council member and if they describe you, then you're ready to join!
  • YouTube Video: Annual Maintenance Planning – Implementing a Maintenance Plan

    Learn about annual maintenance planning for your strata corporation by watching the following video from a recent seminar hosted by FirstService Residential. The seminar was led by guest speakers Sean Ingraham (Managing Broker for FirstService Residential BC) and Gerry McRobert (Senior Regional Director at FirstService Residential BC).
  • An Ounce of Prevention

    Like changing the oil in your car, regular maintenance on a building helps keeps everything working properly and safely. For stratas, some tasks are not optional, they are mandatory.
  • Beware These Four Strata Council Budget Busters

    As a Strata Council Member, one of your principal responsibilities is stewardship of the Strata Corporation’s finances. And a lot of that boils down to one thing: the annual budget.
  • Building Security Tips for the Holiday Season

    Security risks increase exponentially during the holiday seasons for high-rise buildings. Many residents travel for the holidays, move to warmer weather during the winter months, or have an influx of guests and family members in and out. These factors make it easy for intruders to make it into the building, especially if there are no procedures in place to track the many people and deliveries in and out of the building.
  • Calm in a Crisis - Emergency Preparedness Plan

    A strata management company never wants to find itself in the midst of an emergency, but it can happen anytime and anywhere. Whether you face an outbreak of illness, earthquake, or a flood, the impact of any devastating event can be minimized if your council has prepared for it. No doubt, your council meetings are already chock full of agenda items, but it’s important to make emergency preparedness planning a priority.
  • CCI Strata Seminar on Human Rights Complaints

    On February 18, 2017, the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI) hosted a strata educational seminar on the topic of Human Rights Complaints in Strata Corporations.
  • The Importance of Homeowners Insurance

    Up to 60 percent of strata home owners in the Greater Vancouver Regional District lack insurance. A good policy will protect your biggest asset and help you keep your head above water.
  • Customer Care: 7 Ways Your Management Company Should “Answer the Call"

    If your community is managed by a strata management company, you probably have an after-hours number you can call for urgent issues. But what if you simply want to take care of day-to-day strata business? “People don’t operate in normal business hours anymore,” says Rolando Hernandez, national customer care director at FirstService Residential. “Residents and council members need to be able to take care of strata business how and when it’s convenient for them.”
  • Debunking the Eight Biggest Myths About Partnering with a Property Management Company

    In the interest of transforming mystery into a portrait of the industry’s reality, you’re invited to consider (that is, re-consider) these eight myths about property management firms.
  • Demystifying Maintenance and Repair Roles for Residents in Your Strata Corporation

    How well do homeowners in your strata corporation understand strata maintenance and repair responsibilities? Creating a Responsibility Matrix can ensure everyone knows their role.
  • Did You Know? Electric Space Heaters

    Did you know that electric space heaters are involved in thousands of residential fires each year? As such, nearly 32% of all home heating fires, and 79% of all fatal home heating fires, are caused by portable electric space heaters.
  • Did You Know? Sewer Line Clogs

    Did you know that flushing foreign objects down toilets can cause major backups and losses by preventing the passage of material through the piping system? If a foreign object was flushed down your toilet, you can trying snaking it from the drain, but be careful not to push the object further along. If snaking doesn’t work, it is advised that you contact a plumber.
  • Did You Know? Smoke Alarms

    Smoke alarms can help save lives. When a fire occurs, smoke spreads quickly, silently, and without warning. Did you know that 60% of fire related deaths occur in homes without smoke alarms or in homes with smoke alarms that don’t properly function?
Showing 97 - 120 of 3405