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Aging Gracefully - The Retirement Industry in South Florida
Every day for the next 15 years, 8,000 additional Americans will reach retirement age -- and millions will move to active adult communities in Florida. FirstService Residential manages 35,000 homes in 55-plus communities in South Florida, as well as thousands of additional units in active adult communities throughout the country. Hear CEO Chuck Fallon describe the challenges and opportunities of managing this unique sector in a radio interview on NPR. -
FAQs for annual meeting and HOA special meeting notice
Annual and special meetings can have their own set of rules and needs. Read on to learn more about these two important types of meetings for your HOA or condo association board. -
Coronavirus HOA Communications Strategies to Residents
Developing a comprehensive HOA communications strategy during this pandemic will help your board members and management team inform the community in a timely manner. -
Elderly New Yorkers, Here for the Duration
New York City's elderly resident population is growing rapidly, and is projected to increase by an additional 35% over the next 15 years. FirstService Residential Managing Director Marni J. Berk, general manager of the Lincoln Towers complex, is one of the property management experts feautured in a recent New York Times article that describes the challenges of accomodating aging building residents. -
Five Ways Today’s Active Adults Spend their Days Differently
It’s no secret that active adult communities are changing. With shifting demographics and lifestyles, gone are the days of sequestered neighborhoods in the far-flung suburbs dominated by golf culture. -
Four Ways Active Adult Communities Are Changing
Mention the phrase “active adult communities” and a few images probably spring to mind. But whatever you’re thinking (and we’re guessing it involves golf carts), the reality is actually a lot more diverse. -
Going Virtual: HOA & COA Web Conferencing
Given the unprecedented practice of "social distancing," now may be the best time to find the right video conferencing platform for your association. -
Good Management – The Key to Active Adult Community Success
The growing population of baby boomers in the U.S. is driving an increase in the popularity of age restricted communities. Learn how existing "55 and better" communities are adapting their facilities and programming to retain a competitive edge in this evolving marketplace. -
Why Millennials Matter to the Future of Your Association
Millennials are the fastest growing group of home buyers in the US. Learn why you need to get this important demographic involved in your association today. -
Managing Active Adult Communities in the Boomer Era
Today's Baby Boomers are prompting some active adult communities to re-examine how to remain relevant, appealing and responsive to residents' needs, according to Michael Mendillo, president of FirstService Residential's Mid-Atlantic division, and Robert Misurel, director of Planning & Development for the company's Lifestyle Division. -
Six Ways Active Adult Communities Are Completely Different Now
The Baby Boomers have been a transformational generation, to say the least. Born between 1946 and 1964, Boomers are known as the healthiest and most educated of any American generation in history. -
Starting a neighborhood watch program? Understanding neighborhood watch rules and duties
Neighborhood Watch programs can provide significant benefits to communities – after all, they boost community awareness, communication and involvement, while reducing opportunities for neighborhood crimes to occur. But if you’re interested in getting started, there are many important factors to consider. Here’s an overview. -
Three Things to Remember About Life with Your Aging Parent
As our parents age, we are fortunate to enjoy an ever-evolving relationship with them. With time comes perspective, and with that perspective comes a new way for adults to relate with their parents. -
Virtual Programs for Healthy and Happy Active Lifestyle Communities
Chances are, you joined the board at your HOA or condo because you’re extremely passionate about the community and want to improve the experience of the other residents within it. Part of adding value to residents in your community is offering classes and programs for them to participate in to get to know their neighbors and offer opportunities for them to stay happy and healthy. Read on to find some suggestions for great virtual programs for communities like yours. -
5 Ways You Can Improve Board Communication
How well your board communicates has a tremendous impact on your community association. Every board can benefit from these 5 principles. -
8 Skills You'll Master as a Board President
You've been elected as the President of the Board for your community association. You're signing up for a very important job! Here are some necessary skills! -
9 Guidelines for a Successful Community Association
Volunteering on the board of a community association is not for the faint of heart and can be a full-time job! Communities come in different shapes and sizes, but serving on a board of directors is similar across the board. -
All You Need to Know About Property Management Social Media
Social media can be a phenomenal marketing and communications tool for your community association! But you need a strategy! -
Do You Have a Community Communication Plan?
Clear, effective communication from the board to the residents makes a difference! Poor communication can negatively impact your community's reputation, operating budget and property values. -
Can You Go After HOA Owners for Their Guests’ Damages?
Every community can expect to experience negligent or careless guests who will either cause a ruckus, or worse, damage association property. When that happens, deciding who should be held responsible for their actions can create a delicate – and potentially volatile – situation. Oftentimes, Boards may go after the owner, but they shouldn’t forge full-steam ahead without some sort of ammunition. -
Communication in an Emergency is Key to Hurricane Preparation and Rebuilding
The strongest hurricane preparedness plan won’t be effective if you haven’t communicated it. Make sure that everyone knows what to do by following these important recommendations. -
Wondering What to Ask a Property Management Company in Florida? Here's 8 Questions
Know what questions to ask a prospective property management company in Florida? Check out our list to ensure you have all the right information before making a choice. -
Five Simple Tips for Marketing Your Association
Nothing says a healthy community like full homes/units and bustling activity in common areas. Painting a pretty picture of a dynamic community to potential buyers takes minimal effort on the part of the board. -
Four Ways to Get Mosquitoes to Buzz Off
Ah, summertime in Florida. Backyard barbecues. Long days at the beach. And endless mosquito bites.