
Showing 49 - 72 of 465
  • Eight tips and tricks to pass a home inspection

    Selling a home in a competitive market can be challenging, and your home still must pass inspection – a critical step to help prospective buyers make an informed decision about your home’s current condition, as well as any repairs and maintenance it may need.
  • Part 1: Electric Cars and Charging Stations – Is Your HOA Ready?

    Over the past five years, nearly a half-million U.S. cars in this country have been able to zip right past gas stations – and it’s not because they’ve always had a full tank of gas. That’s how many plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) have been purchased in this country since December 2010, when the first mass-market PEVs – the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt – made their much-heralded debut. Learn more about PEV's in order to ready your HOA.
  • Part 2: Electric Cars and Installing Charging Stations in Your Community

    Is installing EV charging stations the right choice for your community? If your association is considering it, consider this – you’ll not only satisfy the needs of current and future EV owners, but you’ll also enhance your property’s “green” image, which can increase property value and attract future residents. So how should your Board proceed? Start by talking to other community Board members and local community leaders to see if this issue is being addressed locally. Do your research, including consulting with a good property management company. If your community is professionally managed, your property management team can provide you with information and guide you through the process.
  • Energy Efficiency for Community Associations

    Should community associations implement energy efficiency measures? Most Board members and residents think so, but making conservation a reality can be a challenge. In a recent issue of Condo Management, FS Energy’s Chris Normandeau offers ways communities can take energy efficiency from principle to practice.
  • Engaged Homeowners, Stronger Communities – Three Ways to Get Involved

    When you purchase a home or unit within a deed-restricted community or building, your new residence comes complete with an added bonus – membership in your association. Whether your association is an HOA, community association or condo association, it’s comprised of fellow homeowners and stakeholders who, like you, want to protect the community’s property values, enhance its quality of life and make it a desirable place to live, both now and in the future.But an association can’t achieve these goals without homeowner involvement – after all, how can you have a say in what happens in your community if you don’t participate?
  • Creating a Feng Shui entryway: Enhance your home and life

    In today’s busy, noisy, fast-paced world, many of us have become multitaskers by necessity, caught up in trying to juggle the demands and responsibilities of family, health, career, lifestyle, community and more. But what if you could turn down the stress and volume of everyday life and enhance your life just by coming home?
  • FirstService Residential Keeps Energy Costs on a Tight Leash During Dog Days of Summer

    High summer temperatures bring high electric bills – especially this summer, as heat waves and soaring temperatures continue to blaze across the U.S. and Canada. But FirstService Residential’s innovative FS Energy program is keeping residents cool, curbing electric bills and lowering energy emissions and usage – and it saved $1.5 million in energy costs for NYC residents last summer. Now, the program is rolling out to multifamily buildings in Chicago and Miami.
  • FirstService Residential Sustainability Expo

    Reducing energy usage and costs, while increasing "green" living is vitally important not just for multi-family properties and residents, but also for the environment. In New York, FirstService Residential recently hosted its Third Annual Sustainability Expo and Symposium to help building staff and property managers increase their commitment and actions towards increasing efficiency and sustainability. Want to know more? Check out this recent spread in the Mann Management Report.
  • Five Reasons to Stop Renting and Start Buying

    If you’re part of the Millennial generation (typically defined as someone born between 1977 and 1992), the renting vs. buying landscape is drastically different for you than it was for your parents and their peers. That’s leading many Millennials to ask themselves the age-old question: should I rent a home or should I buy?
  • HOA Benefits: Five benefits of living in an HOA community

    You just got home from a long day at work, and the trash bins are still there, full, in front of your house. They’re starting to reek, and any calls to your local government at this hour to find out why they weren’t picked up are going right to voicemail. You feel like no one is on your side, and it won’t be long until the raccoons are here to feast.
  • Five Winter Organization Tips

    Winter’s coming, and with colder temperatures comes something that isn’t cool at all: disorganized closets and cluttered winter gear.
  • Fixing a condo catastrophe without litigation

    What happens when glass from a skyscraper crashes down onto crowded Fifth Avenue? It shatters your expectations of how a condo board, a developer and an insurance company can work together to come up with a compromise solution without litigation. Turns out it’s not impossible. Hey, who knew?
  • Four Ways Condos/Co-ops and HOAs in Florida, New York and Chicago Can Save Money on Energy Bills with the Best Property Management Services

    Realizing that energy conservation and managing HOA community environmental footprints is crucial, board members have a responsibility to homeowners to exercise financial prudence and proactively seek ways to manage rising costs.
  • Four Ways to Increase Value by Decreasing Energy Use

    Of all the expenses you encounter as a homeowner, community or condo association, energy ranks toward the top of the list. Many of us see this as a given. We need lights. We need heating and cooling. We need to warm our water and prepare our food. And while the necessity of energy use will never change, how much we pay for it, and how much we need, can.
  • Going Virtual: HOA & COA Web Conferencing

    Given the unprecedented practice of "social distancing," now may be the best time to find the right video conferencing platform for your association.
  • Happy New Year! Five Tips to Keep Your Pets Party-Safe

    For many people, New Year’s Eve is the biggest party of the year. But before you pop that champagne cork or put on your best party hat, think about your four-legged friends – and how your gala plans may affect them. Fireworks and other noisy celebrations make many pets scared and anxious, and sadly, many shelters report an increase in lost dogs and cats this time of year.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Live a Longer, Better Life, Part 2

    Live long and prosper… More than just a catchphrase for the crew of the Starship Enterprise, the desire to live longer and better is a goal many of us hope to achieve. And many of us already are – in fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the average life expectancy continues to rise each year, and is now just shy of 80 years. Want even more proof we’re living longer and more active lives than ever before? Check out the growing popularity of active adult communities, which offer a host of fitness, recreational, social and educational programs exclusively to residents 55 or better.
  • Healthy Living - Healthy Lifestyle Tips for a Longer, Better Life

    If you could, would you want to live forever? Jeanne Calment of France, who was 122 ½ years old when she died in 1997, holds the world record for longest confirmed lifespan – long enough that as a child, she actually met Vincent Van Gogh and watched the construction of the Eiffel Tower.
  • Enhancing energy benchmarking in condos and co-ops

    Condominiums (condos) and cooperative housing communities (co-ops) are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability and energy efficiency in today's world. One vital tool that plays a crucial role in this effort is energy benchmarking.
  • How Multigenerational Communities Can Please All Ages and Stages

    What type of neighbors do you prefer – people just like you, or a mix of ages, stages and life experiences? If you like diversity, you’re not alone – age-inclusive communities, aka multigenerational communities, are found in many locations and varieties throughout the U.S. and Canada. But here’s the challenge: since multigenerational communities attract residents of all ages – and multigenerational lifestyle communities offer desirable amenities and programs – how do their associations choose the right mix of activities and programming to meet homeowners’ needs and interests and enhance their lifestyles, both now and in the years to come?
  • Why Millennials Matter to the Future of Your Association

    Millennials are the fastest growing group of home buyers in the US. Learn why you need to get this important demographic involved in your association today.
  • How to Boost Your Home’s Value Before You Sell

    Your home is likely the single largest purchase you will make and your greatest investment. When you sell it, you obviously want to get the greatest return on that investment. A quick Google search will serve up dozens of articles on the things you can and should do to make the most of your home’s value before you sell. A lot of them have great advice – but there are some things we’d like you to consider as well when looking at what will enhance your property values.
  • Creating community policy: How to enforce the rules of a community

    Good rules make good community members. The most important factors in association policy making, whether for a condo, co-op, townhome or master-planned community, are clarity and sensibility. The board must be clear – and united – on the policy being created and then must communicate that policy to all residents. Whether the policy is about overnight guest parking, designated smoking areas, amenity usage or approved flooring, the basic steps to creating good policy and enforcing it successfully are the same. It’s important that everyone involved, including board members, residents and the management team, understand who is responsible for the various roles that are part of policy creation, enforcement and compliance.
Showing 49 - 72 of 465