
Showing 97 - 120 of 325
  • Five Simple Ways Your Board Can Influence Public Policy

    As a Board member, you are familiar with the great things your association does for your community. Some times legislators charged with creating policies and laws that directly affect associations have very little knowledge of their inner workings.
  • A capital improvement plan for your Georgia association

    A successful capital improvement project requires a lot of planning to ensure that things go as smoothly as possible. Does your community know where to start?
  • How Good Policy Enforcement Can Improve Your Community

    Your board took the time to create a vision for your community. You’ve gotten buy-in from your residents and crafted policies that support it. Now, how do you enforce those policies to ensure that the vision is supported?
  • How to Keep Holiday Spirit While Maintaining Holiday Decor Standards

    It can be tough to balance festive and tasteful, when it comes to holiday décor. Setting policies for decorating will help maintain peace and goodwill for all within your association.
  • How to Set Pet Policies for Your Community

    Very few issues and problems that come up seem to have anything to do with pets. However, here are tips to help resolve any pet-related issues.
  • Reopening Amenities: Creating New High-Rise and HOA Swimming Pool Rules

    As the weather heats up and stay-at-home orders surrounding COVID-19 are lifted, it's important to remember the social distancing guidelines in place.
  • 5 Steps to the Best Reserve Study Firm

    Nothing lasts forever and you need to have a plan to replace major items and systems before their lifespans end. How do you create that plan? Start with a quality reserve study.
  • Rule Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Whether your board is dealing with emergency rules or general community policies, here are some things to consider when addressing change in your community.
  • Association Policy 101: How to Make Rules Without Making Enemies

    As a board member, you know the importance of making rules and establishing policy; these must be clear and sensible. The process for creating and enforcing rules successfully is the same.
  • Top 10 Socially Distant Activities to Keep Your Community Healthy

    As the days and weeks pass, and residents of your condominium or HOA are asked to stay home, it's more important than ever to help your community stay fit and active!
  • Upgrading Your High-Rise Amenities without Busting Your Budget

    High-rise living has many perks, and high on that list is the amenities. For many home buyers, amenities can be the deciding factor when determining to buy a unit in one building over another.
  • Want to Make Your Community Smoke-Free? Four Tips to Help

    The dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke have been highlighted in recent years. Smoking also affects our physical environment by increasing risks of fire and property damage, raising insurance rates and increasing legal liability.
  • Slow and Steady: 5 Surprising Benefits of Raising Your Dues

    It’s that time of year again – budget season is upon us. You know the things to consider when creating your budget, but what drives your process? Are you focused on achieving a particular vision for your community? Avoiding conflict in the community? Solely looking to avoid increasing dues?
  • Tips to Maintain Your Minnesota HOA Finances

    Maintaining the health of your Minnesota community homeowners association’s finances is similar to the way you keep yourself healthy: make good choices, don’t overindulge and exercise good judgement.
  • Tis the Season…Will Your Holiday Packages Arrive Safely and on Time?

    It’s that wonderful time of year! Many of us are shopping online to get that perfect gift for our loved ones. And, for those doing last-minute shopping, we don’t want to have to worry that something will go wrong with our deliveries.
  • Repairs and Maintenance vs Capital Expenditure: What's the Difference?

    It’s no secret that association management is a big job. Across Minnesota, common areas require a lot of routine maintenance to uphold community standards – things like exterior light bulb replacements, landscaping and paint touch-ups. Depending on your townhome community, the scale of your amenities' needs will vary.
  • 6 Ways to Maximize Committees

    Community members join committees because they want to make a difference. That’s great, but sometimes, as they say, life gets in the way. Let’s not forget that committee members are all volunteers, which means it might take something a little extra to keep them motivated.
  • Slow and Steady: 5 Surprising Benefits of Raising Your Dues

    It’s that time of year again – budget season is upon us. You know the things to consider when creating your budget, but what drives your process? Are you focused on achieving a particular vision for your community? Avoiding conflict in the community? Solely looking to avoid increasing dues?
  • Understanding HOA Reserves and Reserve Studies for Homeowners Associations

    One of the most important responsibilities your HOA board of directors faces is effectively planning for major common-area repairs and replacements. Whether a costly expenditure is needed in a few years or 20 years from now, it’s the board’s fiduciary duty to make sure your homeowners association (HOA) has adequate funds when the time comes. That’s where HOA reserves come into play.
  • A Smooth HOA Management Transition Starts With Good Communication

    Most homeowners associations (HOAs) in Nevada are managed by a community management company. So hiring a new management company is a pretty common occurrence in our state.
  • Cyber Security and Your HOA, Part One: How Residents Can Prevent Attacks

    Find out what steps residents can take to prevent a cyber attack by reading part one of our three-part series on cyber security.
  • Cyber Security and Your HOA, Part Three: Your 4-Step Action Plan

    Technology has come a long way over the past decade. Mobile devices now let you pay credit card bills, order takeout, make doctor’s appointments and store personal information in “the cloud” with the touch of a button or a tap on your phone. Nevada homeowners associations are utilizing the latest digital technologies in a big way.
  • Cyber Security and Your HOA, Part Two: The Board’s Role in Data Safety

    Be honest: As a board member for your homeowners association (HOA), how much do you think about cyber security? More and more, hackers are targeting small businesses – and remember, your HOA is a small business. In part two of this three-part series, we offer tips that your board should take to keep your community safe from hackers.
  • Drones and Your Association

    You’ve probably seen stories about drones in the news. Or, you might be the owner of a drone yourself. Either way, you know that these unmanned, remote-piloted flight vehicles have come under scrutiny because of safety and privacy concerns. Is there a way your HOA can manage the use of drones in your community?
Showing 97 - 120 of 325