
Showing 145 - 168 of 805
  • HOA Policy: How HOA boards can influence public policy

    As a member of your HOA board, you know the value of your association. It serves an essential function for creating rewarding lifestyles for residents, protecting and enhancing property values, and much, much more. And yet some legislators and decision-makers aren’t as familiar with these benefits as you are. Unfortunately, sometimes these are the individuals that have a hand in creating the policies and laws that directly affect communities, associations, and residents. We’ve paired that insight with information from our own experts to arrive at five key areas of focus when it comes to how HOA Boards can influence public policy. Here they are.
  • All You Need to Know About Using Social Media to Build Community

    Social media can be a phenomenal marketing and communications tool for your community association! It’s a great way to inform residents, keep them connected and strengthen their loyalty. But you need to put a strategy behind your community’s social media presence.
  • How Multigenerational Communities Can Please All Ages and Stages

    What type of neighbors do you prefer – people just like you, or a mix of ages, stages and life experiences? If you like diversity, you’re not alone – age-inclusive communities, aka multigenerational communities, are found in many locations and varieties throughout the U.S. and Canada. But here’s the challenge: since multigenerational communities attract residents of all ages – and multigenerational lifestyle communities offer desirable amenities and programs – how do their associations choose the right mix of activities and programming to meet homeowners’ needs and interests and enhance their lifestyles, both now and in the years to come?
  • How to Boost Your Home’s Value Before You Sell

    Your home is likely the single largest purchase you will make and your greatest investment. When you sell it, you obviously want to get the greatest return on that investment. A quick Google search will serve up dozens of articles on the things you can and should do to make the most of your home’s value before you sell. A lot of them have great advice – but there are some things we’d like you to consider as well when looking at what will enhance your property values.
  • How to choose a property management company: 10 questions to ask today

    How do you determine which property management company will provide you with the best service? Here are 10 questions that you should ask when consulting with property or homeowner association (HOA) management companies to help you make the important decision.
  • Creating community policy: How to enforce the rules of a community

    Good rules make good community members. The most important factors in association policy making, whether for a condo, co-op, townhome or master-planned community, are clarity and sensibility. The board must be clear – and united – on the policy being created and then must communicate that policy to all residents. Whether the policy is about overnight guest parking, designated smoking areas, amenity usage or approved flooring, the basic steps to creating good policy and enforcing it successfully are the same. It’s important that everyone involved, including board members, residents and the management team, understand who is responsible for the various roles that are part of policy creation, enforcement and compliance.
  • How to Declutter Your Home Without Losing Your Mind

    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of stuff we accumulate. And it’s hard sometimes to figure out how to part with things, what to do with them and where they should go. The experts at California Closets, the leader in custom home storage solutions, have you covered. Follow these tips to declutter your home and even do some good in the process.
  • How to Have More Productive Board Meetings: Helping Your HOA Board Members Work Together

    As anyone on a condo, co-op or homeowner association (HOA) board knows too well, board meetings can be extremely delicate situations. Board members don't always agree with each other, discussion about a single, minor issue can eat up entire meetings, and those who speak the loudest aren't always looking at the issues with the best perspective. Some days, it may feel nearly impossible to get anything done.
  • How to Host an Annual Meeting Your Homeowners Will WANT to Attend

    Annual meetings don't have to be boring! Learn how your community association board can entice your homeowners into attending with easy tips.
  • How to implement HOA flooring rules and flooring protocol

    Could the upstairs neighbors possibly be any louder? It sounds like a war is going on up there with all the furniture moving. And when they walk around, it sounds like they’re stomping around in cement shoes. Enough is enough!
  • How to Keep Pokémon Go from Overrunning Your Community

    The Pokémon Go app has reached a level of popularity that is rarely seen. On the one hand, it has encouraged people to socialize and discover historical facts about their local area. On the other hand, it has presented issues for some homeowners. Here’s what your community needs to know about minimizing any negative impact from this game.
  • 7 ways to make the most of HOA living

    Homeowners' Association (HOA) living has become increasingly popular in recent years. It offers numerous benefits, including well-maintained common areas, enhanced property values, and a sense of community.
  • How to Plan Successful Community Events

    What’s a great way for homeowners associations to bring residents together, create a sense of community pride and encourage social, cohesive, we’re-all-part-of-the-same team atmosphere? Plan community events!
  • Summer energy conservation tips

    Summer’s longer days mean more time to enjoy warm weather and sunshine, but they also mean higher energy bills. There is a bright side, however: by implementing an energy management program within your community, you can help keep costs down without sacrificing comfort.
  • How to Feng Shui your bedroom

    You might be surprised to learn that the ancient Chinese have been practicing feng shui for 5,000 years. It’s believed that every object possesses unique energy or life force (chi), which interacts with your own personal energy flow.
  • How We're Helping Board Members Succeed

    Dan Wurtzel, president of property management at our New York office, was tapped as a thought leader in an article about seasoned board members in the Cooperator. Dan discusses how uncertainty about building knowledge and the position’s requirements can be detrimental to productivity, as well as some of the services the company provides to help both new and experienced board members become more effective in their roles.
  • How Your HOA Can Make Your Community Pet Friendly

    Before deciding that pet amenities are right for your community, find out if your residents even want them. How many residents actually have pets? Will most residents be willing to appropriate space and money for these amenities? Depending on your unique needs, constraints, and level of interest, here are five suggestions for making your community more pet-friendly.
  • Important Terms All Association Board Members Should Know

    Youhave just been appointed to your homeowner and community association board. Now it’s time to brush up on your vocabulary with terms that are going to be a part of your new life as a board member.
  • Is living in a high rise the right choice for you?

    You’re just starting out and excited to buy your first home, or perhaps your kids have left the nest and you’re finally able to downsize. In this active housing market, you’ve got lots options and things are definitely looking up – so maybe you should, too. We’re talking about vertical living, a.k.a. a high-rise condominium. Could high-rise condo living be right for you?
  • Board Effectiveness: Is Your Board as Effective and Healthy as It Can Be?

    Whether you are a board member who wants to ensure your board is doing everything it can to succeed or a resident who wants to get involved in the governing of your community, we have identified the best practices that can help you get the answers you need.
  • Keeping HOA and Condo Common Areas Clean During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    During these unprecedented times, residents are spending the majority of their time at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect themselves and their loved ones from infection. One of their primary contact points with the outside world is in your HOA or condo common areas, where they can be at risk of contact with lingering coronavirus or even spread existing virus to other areas of the property. Read on for a comprehensive list of places to clean and how to clean them.
  • Keeping Your Community on Track During the Holiday Season

    Holidays can be a lot of fun when you live in a planned community, condo or co-op. But when you are on your association’s board of directors, they can also be a lot of work. You have to make sure all the prep work is done, decorations are up, vacations are covered and parties are planned. Can a group of volunteers—as dedicated as you may be—possibly get it all done? And do you dare wish to do it with minimal stress, too?
  • Knowing When to Call Your Manager

    The FirstService Residential customer care center means residents don't have to wait for the right time to call their manager -- the care center provides 24/7 access to help to address their questions and concerns.
Showing 145 - 168 of 805