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  • Summer energy conservation tips

    Summer’s longer days mean more time to enjoy warm weather and sunshine, but they also mean higher energy bills. There is a bright side, however: by implementing an energy management program within your community, you can help keep costs down without sacrificing comfort.
  • How to Feng Shui your bedroom

    You might be surprised to learn that the ancient Chinese have been practicing feng shui for 5,000 years. It’s believed that every object possesses unique energy or life force (chi), which interacts with your own personal energy flow.
  • How We're Helping Board Members Succeed

    Dan Wurtzel, president of property management at our New York office, was tapped as a thought leader in an article about seasoned board members in the Cooperator. Dan discusses how uncertainty about building knowledge and the position’s requirements can be detrimental to productivity, as well as some of the services the company provides to help both new and experienced board members become more effective in their roles.
  • How Your HOA Can Make Your Community Pet Friendly

    Before deciding that pet amenities are right for your community, find out if your residents even want them. How many residents actually have pets? Will most residents be willing to appropriate space and money for these amenities? Depending on your unique needs, constraints, and level of interest, here are five suggestions for making your community more pet-friendly.
  • Important Terms All Association Board Members Should Know

    Youhave just been appointed to your homeowner and community association board. Now it’s time to brush up on your vocabulary with terms that are going to be a part of your new life as a board member.
  • Is living in a high rise the right choice for you?

    You’re just starting out and excited to buy your first home, or perhaps your kids have left the nest and you’re finally able to downsize. In this active housing market, you’ve got lots options and things are definitely looking up – so maybe you should, too. We’re talking about vertical living, a.k.a. a high-rise condominium. Could high-rise condo living be right for you?
  • Best practices for HOA board effectiveness

    Whether you are a board member who wants to ensure your board is doing everything it can to succeed or a resident who wants to get involved in the governing of your community, we have identified the best practices that can help you get the answers you need.
  • Keeping Your Community on Track During the Holiday Season

    Holidays can be a lot of fun when you live in a planned community, condo or co-op. But when you are on your association’s board of directors, they can also be a lot of work. You have to make sure all the prep work is done, decorations are up, vacations are covered and parties are planned. Can a group of volunteers—as dedicated as you may be—possibly get it all done? And do you dare wish to do it with minimal stress, too?
  • Knowing When to Call Your Manager

    The FirstService Residential customer care center means residents don't have to wait for the right time to call their manager -- the care center provides 24/7 access to help to address their questions and concerns.
  • Leaving for Winter Vacation? Five Tips to Protect Your Home While You’re Away

    What’s your dream winter vacation? According to recent statistics, when temperatures plunge, the four most popular vacation choices, in order, are beach vacations, sightseeing tours, casinos and ski trips. But no matter whether you plan to pack your bathing suit, walking shoes, ski parka or lucky rabbit’s foot, there’s one thing that should always be part of your vacation planning – ensuring home protection while you’re away.
  • Managing Active Adult Communities in the Boomer Era

    Today's Baby Boomers are prompting some active adult communities to re-examine how to remain relevant, appealing and responsive to residents' needs, according to Michael Mendillo, president of FirstService Residential's Mid-Atlantic division, and Robert Misurel, director of Planning & Development for the company's Lifestyle Division.
  • Nine of the best ways to protect your home

    You’ve worked hard to create a home that is warm and inviting for your family and friends. So how can you make sure it won’t also be inviting to burglars or others with criminal intent? We’ve got ten tips that can help keep your home and property safe -- and keep unwanted visitors at bay.
  • One Way to Get More Out of Home Life

    Where does true happiness begin? We’re sure you agree – it begins at home.
  • 3 ways to get to know your community and neighbors

    The Internet is exploding with social networking sites and websites designed to educate and connect people, whether they’re across the street or across the globe. Strong networks create safer communities and more rewarding living experiences, but with our busy schedules and time constraints, it’s not always easy to become acclimated and involved. Fortunately, there are websites and online tools expressly designed for this purpose – facilitating everything from helping you obtain community information, discover local businesses, organizations and service providers, build connections and friendships with neighbors, become active in your local community and much more. We’ve provided an overview to get you started.
  • Preventing Community Association Fraud: Part One – The Board’s Role

    As a homeowner who lives in an association, you put a lot of trust in the people designated to manage your association’s money. So it can come as quite a shock if you discover that one of those people has been stealing from your association’s funds. Fraud can leave you and your neighbors feeling betrayed and vulnerable.
  • Preventing Community Association Fraud: Part Two – Your Property Management Company’s Role

    Fraud can strike just about any association – even one that is professionally managed – regardless of how small or large your community may be. However, a good property management company will have checks and balances and other security measures in place to help reduce the risk.
  • Property Management & Community Association Board Members: Six Ways Together is Better

    Homeowner and condo association board members know that their collective actions yield lots of great results. Just take a look at the minutes from your last couple of meetings and you’ll see all the evidence you need.
  • Property management duties: How your management company can make staff changes easier

    Sooner or later, most community associations face some kind of management change. If your community has a great manager, you probably want them to stay forever. But how realistic is that?
  • What makes a great board treasurer? 6 things you need to know

    Every association board is primarily responsible for preserving, protecting, and maintaining the association's assets. That requires careful financial management, which is where your board treasurer comes in.
  • Radon Safety: Helpful tips to keep your family safe at home

    Quick, name a colorless, odorless, naturally-occurring gas that can be found in homes and buildings and pose a threat to our health and well-being. If you said “carbon monoxide,” you’re right. Now, can you name another? If you had a bit of trouble coming up with “radon,” you’re not alone. Here is a basic overview of radon gas – what it is, where it’s found, its possible health effects and what you can do to protect your home and your family.
  • Scary Fun: Halloween Safety Tips for Your Family and Community

    October 31 is quickly approaching, and little ghosts, ghouls and goblins are no doubt already thinking about the candy windfalls to come. But before your children and their friends haunt your homeowners association shouting “trick or treat,” it’s essential to take precautions to keep everyone safe.
  • Seven Move-In Tasks to Make Your New House Feel Like Home

    The moving truck has pulled away and you’re trying to navigate around a sea of boxes, so it can only mean one thing – you’ve officially moved into your new home, so congratulations! Even if you’re a first-time homeowner, you surely don’t need to be reminded about the boxes that need unpacking, the artwork that needs hanging or the clothing that needs to be put away – and where’s the baby’s pacifier or a coffee mug when you need them? But whether you’re a moving newbie or a been-there, done-that moving veteran, it’s a smart move to add a few less-obvious tasks to your to-do list – check out the seven move-in tips below to add value to your new house and make it start to feel like home:
  • Seven Obedience Tips for Happier Dog Owners – and Their Neighbors

    Ah, man’s best friend. Dogs become cherished family members and add so much to our lives. But sometimes, our best friends can exhibit less-than-friendly behavior. This can not only cause friction in your home, but also in your community. The good news is, however, that often the only difference between a good dog and a not-so-good dog is training.
  • Seven Tips to Help You Live Large in a Small Space

    Large homes with sprawling floorplans can make some people swoon, but they don’t always fit every homeowner’s taste, budget or lifestyle. When it comes to living space, less can be more…less to furnish, less to clean and less to pay for. So if you’re short on square footage, but long on flexibility and creativity, we’ve got seven smart tips to help you live large in a smaller space.
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