
Showing 145 - 168 of 703
  • How to choose a property management company: 10 questions to ask today

    How do you determine which property management company will provide you with the best service? Here are 10 questions that you should ask when consulting with property or homeowner association (HOA) management companies to help you make the important decision.
  • Creating community policy: How to enforce the rules of a community

    Good rules make good community members. The most important factors in association policy making, whether for a condo, co-op, townhome or master-planned community, are clarity and sensibility. The board must be clear – and united – on the policy being created and then must communicate that policy to all residents. Whether the policy is about overnight guest parking, designated smoking areas, amenity usage or approved flooring, the basic steps to creating good policy and enforcing it successfully are the same. It’s important that everyone involved, including board members, residents and the management team, understand who is responsible for the various roles that are part of policy creation, enforcement and compliance.
  • How to Have More Productive Board Meetings: Helping Your HOA Board Members Work Together

    As anyone on a condo, co-op or homeowner association (HOA) board knows too well, board meetings can be extremely delicate situations. Board members don't always agree with each other, discussion about a single, minor issue can eat up entire meetings, and those who speak the loudest aren't always looking at the issues with the best perspective. Some days, it may feel nearly impossible to get anything done.
  • How to hire the best property management company

    Here’s the good news: hiring the right property management company is going to make your life as an HOA Board Member much easier. On the flip side: there is no shortage of property management firms to choose from, so selecting the best fit for your community association is going to take a little bit of work.
  • How to Host an Annual Meeting Your Homeowners Will WANT to Attend

    Annual meetings don't have to be boring! Learn how your community association board can entice your homeowners into attending with easy tips.
  • How to implement HOA flooring rules and flooring protocol

    Could the upstairs neighbors possibly be any louder? It sounds like a war is going on up there with all the furniture moving. And when they walk around, it sounds like they’re stomping around in cement shoes. Enough is enough!
  • How to Keep Pokémon Go from Overrunning Your Community

    The Pokémon Go app has reached a level of popularity that is rarely seen. On the one hand, it has encouraged people to socialize and discover historical facts about their local area. On the other hand, it has presented issues for some homeowners. Here’s what your community needs to know about minimizing any negative impact from this game.
  • Summer energy conservation tips

    Summer’s longer days mean more time to enjoy warm weather and sunshine, but they also mean higher energy bills. There is a bright side, however: by implementing an energy management program within your community, you can help keep costs down without sacrificing comfort.
  • How We're Helping Board Members Succeed

    Dan Wurtzel, president of property management at our New York office, was tapped as a thought leader in an article about seasoned board members in the Cooperator. Dan discusses how uncertainty about building knowledge and the position’s requirements can be detrimental to productivity, as well as some of the services the company provides to help both new and experienced board members become more effective in their roles.
  • Important Terms All Association Board Members Should Know

    Youhave just been appointed to your homeowner and community association board. Now it’s time to brush up on your vocabulary with terms that are going to be a part of your new life as a board member.
  • Increasing HOA Volunteerism By Effectively Engaging Homeowners

    Regardless of the size of your community, or where it’s located, there is always one thing that every community association board and committee needs: resident volunteers. Unfortunately, however, volunteers are often a scarce resource.
  • Board Effectiveness: Is Your Board as Effective and Healthy as It Can Be?

    Whether you are a board member who wants to ensure your board is doing everything it can to succeed or a resident who wants to get involved in the governing of your community, we have identified the best practices that can help you get the answers you need.
  • Keeping HOA and Condo Common Areas Clean During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    During these unprecedented times, residents are spending the majority of their time at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect themselves and their loved ones from infection. One of their primary contact points with the outside world is in your HOA or condo common areas, where they can be at risk of contact with lingering coronavirus or even spread existing virus to other areas of the property. Read on for a comprehensive list of places to clean and how to clean them.
  • Keeping Your Community on Track During the Holiday Season

    Holidays can be a lot of fun when you live in a planned community, condo or co-op. But when you are on your association’s board of directors, they can also be a lot of work. You have to make sure all the prep work is done, decorations are up, vacations are covered and parties are planned. Can a group of volunteers—as dedicated as you may be—possibly get it all done? And do you dare wish to do it with minimal stress, too?
  • Managing Active Adult Communities in the Boomer Era

    Today's Baby Boomers are prompting some active adult communities to re-examine how to remain relevant, appealing and responsive to residents' needs, according to Michael Mendillo, president of FirstService Residential's Mid-Atlantic division, and Robert Misurel, director of Planning & Development for the company's Lifestyle Division.
  • Missouri Office Honored for Commitment to Kansas City Youth Center

    Missouri’s Curry Association Management, the newest member of the FirstService Residential family, was recently honored for its substantial efforts and ongoing commitment to the Police Athletic League (PAL) of Kansas City, which provides a safe and stable haven for the area’s underprivileged youth.
  • Municipal Duties Move to ‘Burbs as HOAs Must Step In

    John Friedrichsen, Senior Vice President & CFO of FirstService Residential parent company FirstService Corporation, is quoted in USA Today about how HOAs benefit from the value-added services provided by leading professional management companies.
  • Nine HOA Guidelines: How to manage an HOA

    If you volunteer your services to your homeowners association, you know there are many rewards – but also, quite a few challenges. There are residents with individual demands and concerns and Board members who may have difficulty agreeing. There is also the critical need to carefully develop – and adhere to – a strict budget. And that’s just the beginning.
  • Preventing Community Association Fraud: Part One – The Board’s Role

    As a homeowner who lives in an association, you put a lot of trust in the people designated to manage your association’s money. So it can come as quite a shock if you discover that one of those people has been stealing from your association’s funds. Fraud can leave you and your neighbors feeling betrayed and vulnerable.
  • Preventing Community Association Fraud: Part Two – Your Property Management Company’s Role

    Fraud can strike just about any association – even one that is professionally managed – regardless of how small or large your community may be. However, a good property management company will have checks and balances and other security measures in place to help reduce the risk.
  • Promoting Fire Safety in Your Community Association

    Part of your job as a board member is ensuring the safety of residents in your community association. To that end, it’s important to educate homeowners about possible fire risks and the steps they can take to prevent fire hazards in their homes. Chances are that fire safety isn’t top of mind for residents. However, home fires are more common than most people realize.
  • Property Management & Community Association Board Members: Six Ways Together is Better

    Homeowner and condo association board members know that their collective actions yield lots of great results. Just take a look at the minutes from your last couple of meetings and you’ll see all the evidence you need.
  • Property Management Jobs: The Best-Kept Hospitality Career Secret

    If you’re a recent (or about-to-be) college grad looking for your perfect career fit, here’s a helpful checklist to help you narrow down your choices:
  • Property management duties: How your management company can make staff changes easier

    Sooner or later, most community associations face some kind of management change. If your community has a great manager, you probably want them to stay forever. But how realistic is that?
Showing 145 - 168 of 703