
Showing 25 - 48 of 465
  • How to Communicate: What Your Strata Council Should Know and Do

    You want your strata to be successful. All council members do. You know that means watching the finances carefully and maintaining the property. But do you think about effective strata council communication as an ingredient in your recipe for success? It is!
  • Getting Your Strata’s Spring Cleaning Started

    As strata managers begin their inspection, they note the necessary repairs for winter damage as they make their rounds through the community.
  • Tis the Season…Will Your Holiday Packages Arrive Safely and on Time?

    It’s that wonderful time of year! Many of us are shopping online to get that perfect gift for our loved ones. And, for those doing last-minute shopping, we don’t want to have to worry that something will go wrong with our deliveries.
  • What Goes Into Strata Fees?

    Condo living has its perks: amazing urban locations close to public transportation, being part of a community without having to do yard work or home maintenance, enjoying amenities like fitness centres, party lounges and pools at your doorstep. Just don’t forget that those perks come at a price – a monthly strata fee. What are strata fees and how are they determined?
  • Eight Ways the Best Community Association Management Companies Can Help You

    Being part of a Homeowners Association is rewarding – yet it can also be challenging at times. Board members are often tasked with difficult duties ranging from proper financial stewardship to navigating community conflicts, and much more.
  • Can Your HOA Handle a Crisis? 8-Step Emergency Preparedness Plan

    Is your association really prepared for an emergency? Learn how to develop an HOA emergency preparedness plan in 8 steps.
  • Before Creating a New HOA Policy, Ask These 5 Questions

    Great policies can help your association run smoothly, enhance the resident experience and improve your reputation. Here are five questions to ask before creating a new HOA policy.
  • Formalize These Four Policies in Your High-Rise Association Right Now

    Living in a high-rise is unlike any other experience. The amenities, concierge-level services and proximity to cultural and entertainment options can be particularly appealing. Vertical communities can face challenges related to the close quarters of residents. Here are some policies to consider to create a more harmonious environment for all.
  • HOA Agreement: 4 Tips to Promote a Functional Board

    How do you tackle alignment as a group of diverse individuals with unique values? Follow these four tips on HOA agreement to find out.
  • Is Your Association Manager Equipped for Success? 3 Questions to Ask

    Does your association manager have the right tools, resources and support to take your association to the next level?
  • Don’t Be the HOA Bad Guy: 4 Proven Policy Enforcement Tips

    Enforcing HOA policies is nobody’s cup of tea, but having good policy enforcement in place helps improve the resident experience and elevates your reputation. Follow these 4 principles for healthy policy enforcement:
  • 8 Tips for Great HOA Committees and Volunteers

    A healthy and effective California homeowners association will not only find great volunteers and committee members, but will empower them to drive positive change in the community. How can your association make this happen?
  • How HOA Leaders Create Happy Communities

    Association leadership plays an important role in creating harmonious communities. This applies to board members and community management professionals to work in partnership. Here are seven steps to a happy community.
  • How to Enjoy HOA Living

    Living in a homeowners association has many benefits. But what about all those rules? Yes, they might seem restrictive at first glance but they protect your interests, investment, and quality of life. Read this article on HOA living for more information.
  • Investing HOA Reserve Funds: 6 Tips to Improve Your Returns

    Are you getting the best returns on your reserve funds? Most California board members are not sure. Here are six ways to improve your reserve fund returns and create an HOA investment policy.
  • Making Your HOA Community More Pet Friendly

    Amenities play a large role in differentiating your community, enhancing its brand, and drawing in potential buyers. Pet amenities have risen in popularity and range from simple touches such as having dog-friendly treats like biscuits and bowls of water available in the main office, to providing on-site pet services such as grooming. Here are five suggestions for making your community more pet friendly.
  • Post-Crisis HOA Cash Management: 3 Tips for Your Association

    How do manage collections and HOA funds after a crisis? Get 3 tips to help you plan for the future
  • 6 Questions for Self-Managed Associations to Consider

    As a self-managed association, do you need a management partner? Before making that choice, ask these 6 questions.
  • Six Simple HOA Board Meeting Rules for Success

    A great board meeting should have a balance of diverse opinions and discussions that are rooted in your community’s overall vision. Start with these 6 simple HOA board meeting rules.
  • Want to Start a Neighborhood Watch? Consider this.

    Is your building or community considering establishing a Neighborhood Watch program? These crime watch programs – joint efforts between homeowners and local police departments – are gaining traction in many communities by helping to deter unusual or criminal behavior. Here are some tips to consider.
  • Understanding the Importance of a Community Management Certification

    Acronyms like CMCA, LSM, PCAM and others are used to designate certifications for community management professionals who have achieved a level of education or expertise. What do these certifications mean? How does this benefit your association?
  • 10 steps on how to plan a community event

    You’re planning an event for your homeowner (HOA) or community association. Congratulations! After the initial excitement comes growing panic, right? Well, not necessarily.
  • 12 characteristics of successful property managers

    When choosing the right property management company for your community, you will be asking a variety of questions to assess whether the company or manager will be the right fit for your board and your residents.
  • Tips for managing building projects & community construction projects

    So your homeowners association is going to undertake a construction or improvement project for your community. That can be exciting – and more than a little daunting, too. The construction project management process can be fraught with complications and frustrations – after all, with so many moving pieces, there are a number of things that can go wrong. To smooth your way, you can consult with an experienced property management company to obtain proven guidance and advice. But to get started, we’ve put together a dozen pointers to help your community construction project build towards success.
Showing 25 - 48 of 465