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  • Hiring HOA Vendors? Legal Issues to Consider

    Your Board of Directors oversees the many day-to-day tasks required to operate and maintain your community…but they can’t do it alone. Your property management team will be expected to hire a wide array of vendors, including painters, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, repairmen for equipment maintenance or emergencies, exterminators, and more.
  • 5 common HOA problems & board mistakes to avoid

    We’ve highlighted four common board blunders and included some practical tips for avoiding them. It’s important to identify these potential blunders early to save yourself and your board time and frustration.
  • 6 Questions for Self-Managed Associations to Consider

    As a self-managed association, do you need a management partner? Before making that choice, ask these 6 questions.
  • Choosing the Right Community Management Company to Manage Amenities

    A big part of what sets your community apart is the amenities it offers. This goes beyond a pool, a fitness area or a place for a rooftop party – your amenities help create a lifestyle, and that’s the most important thing to residents and association members.
  • Electronic Voting in Arizona - What You Should Know

    These days, you can do almost anything online—buy groceries, look for a job or even find love. But what about voting on issues that affect your community?
  • 5 Myths About HOA Board Decision Making

    Solving for these 5 common myths can help you improve your decision-making process and align as a board. Read on to learn more.
  • 6 Questions for Self-Managed Associations to Consider

    As a self-managed association, do you need a management partner? Before making that choice, ask these 6 questions.
  • The Facts about Synthetic Turf

    Considering synthetic turf for your community common areas? Understanding the facts on what it's made of, benefits and disadvantages, and how it will affect children or pets will make all the difference when determining if synthetic turf is the right choice for your community!
  • 3 Strategies to Keep HOA Assessments Stable and Add Value

    There are often valid reasons to raise assessments, but in some cases, you may want to take a different route. Here are three cost-saving strategies.
  • The Importance of Homeowners Insurance

    Up to 60 percent of strata home owners in the Greater Vancouver Regional District lack insurance. A good policy will protect your biggest asset and help you keep your head above water.
  • Smart Financial Planning

    Safeguarding a strata corporation’s operating and reserve funds is one of the main fiduciary duties of all board members, not just the treasurer. This means strata councils must protect the financial interests of the strata corporation and its members.
  • Tis the Season…Will Your Holiday Packages Arrive Safely and on Time?

    It’s that wonderful time of year! Many of us are shopping online to get that perfect gift for our loved ones. And, for those doing last-minute shopping, we don’t want to have to worry that something will go wrong with our deliveries.
  • What Should you Expect from a Strata Manager

    Not all strata managers have what they need to give you great service. Learn what it takes to be a great strata manager.
  • 6 Questions for Self-Managed Associations to Consider

    As a self-managed association, do you need a management partner? Before making that choice, ask these 6 questions.
  • 3 Strategies to Keep HOA Assessments Stable and Add Value

    There are often good reasons to raise assessments, but in some cases, you may be able to take a different route. Here are three strategies to help save your HOA money and keep assessments stable.
  • 17 Ways to Get the Best From Your Contractor

    When you hire a contractor, it could either be the best decision you ever made, or the worst. The stakes are high; a good contractor will execute your vision on time and on budget, whereas a not-so-good one will be the source of bad workmanship, unexpected delays, inconvenience and a whole lot of headaches.
  • 4 safety tips for the holidays to protect your home

    It's the most wonderful time of the year but not if your holidays are cut short by a fire, an accident or a theft. Taking these 4 safety precautions can prevent such misfortunes.
  • HOA bidding procedures: Simplification tips

    Picture this: your homeowners association has a big job that needs to be done, so you’ve got to find a qualified contractor to do it. How do you manage your vendor selection process to make sure you find the best one to fill your needs?
  • 5 tips for fire safety for buildings in your community

    Living in a high-rise, condominium or co-op certainly has its perks. You get the convenient location, the dramatic views, attentive concierge services and a range of amenities. However, vertical living also means added challenges when it comes to fire safety. Fortunately, there are measures that both your association board and residents can take to improve safety.
  • Five Reasons to Use Quality Vendors

    When you have a large-scale project slated for your community, it’s tempting to select a vendor based on price. After all, what’s more important than saving your association money?
  • Understanding vendor communication and vendor management

    Vendor management is a large part of serving on the board of a managed community. Every community has outside partners for services like landscaping, sanitation, cable and Internet provision, pool maintenance, valet services and more. Open and effective communication among the board, the management company and the vendors employed by the association is an important part of making the most of any community’s operating budget and improving the lifestyles of its residents.
  • Why Millennials Matter to the Future of Your Association

    Millennials are the fastest growing group of home buyers in the US. Learn why you need to get this important demographic involved in your association today.
  • How to prepare for floods in your high-rise building

    Floods are one of the most common types of natural disasters. They can also be the most detrimental for high-rise buildings. The nature of these buildings makes them particularly vulnerable to flooding caused by severe storms.
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