
Showing 73 - 96 of 433
  • Six Ways to Maximize Committees

    Community members join committees because they want to make a difference. That’s great, but sometimes, as they say, life gets in the way. Let’s not forget that committee members are all volunteers, which means it might take something a little extra to keep them motivated.
  • Socially Distant Celebration During COVID-19

    Learn how community members are making a difference in their communities with socially distant celebrations during COVID-19 spring holidays.
  • Starting a Neighborhood Watch Program? Here are Some Important Considerations

    Neighborhood Watch programs can provide significant benefits to communities – after all, they boost community awareness, communication and involvement, while reducing opportunities for neighborhood crimes to occur. But if you’re interested in getting started, there are many important factors to consider. Here’s an overview.
  • Success By Committee: Five Ways to Make it Happen

    All homeowner and community associations are different from one another, as they are comprised of a collaborative group of board members. Just as associations differ so do the special committees that fall under the association. You can have as many different types of experiences with committees as there are kinds of committees themselves.
  • The 7 Secrets to Combat Committee Chaos

    Community committees are a great way to involve more residents in the activities of their homeowner association, help ensure the rules and regulations of the association are followed, and help lighten the workload of volunteer board members. Some common committees include beautification, architectural, landscaping and grievance committee. At their best, committees are finely tuned engines for getting things done in your community. When there is a breakdown or discord, they’re agents of confusion, wreaking havoc on progress and operating as the figurative wrecking balls for a few overbearing committee members.
  • The Six Secrets to Building Your HOA Volunteer Pool

    Whether you’re on the board of a single-family homeowners association (HOA) or a high-rise condo association, your community depends on volunteers to operate successfully. However, finding residents who are willing to be on your board of directors, join a committee or help at an event can be challenging.
  • 3 common residential drainage problems and their solutions

    Unless you live in an area where it hardly ever rains (in which case you have a whole other set of problems), drainage will be an issue in your community. Proper drainage is, of course, the answer, but getting there means you have to meet stringent requirements throughout different areas of your community.
  • Tips to Help Your HOA Winterize Your Community

    It’s that time of year again – there’s a noticeable nip in the air, trees are losing their leaves and stores are starting to display their holiday swag. That can only mean one thing – winter is right around the corner. If your HOA is located in an area affected by wintry weather, we probably don’t need to remind you about last year’s Arctic-level freeze. Some of the coldest-ever temperatures were recorded in many parts of the country – and if you heed the predictions in the Old Farmer’s Almanac , you know that this year promises to be even more frigid. Is your community prepared to handle the upcoming chill? Here are some tips to help your homeowners association winterize your community, no matter what surprises the season may bring.
  • Virtual Programs for Healthy and Happy Active Lifestyle Communities

    Chances are, you joined the board at your HOA or condo because you’re extremely passionate about the community and want to improve the experience of the other residents within it. Part of adding value to residents in your community is offering classes and programs for them to participate in to get to know their neighbors and offer opportunities for them to stay happy and healthy. Read on to find some suggestions for great virtual programs for communities like yours.
  • Nine Ways Your Association Can Build Community Spirit

    Community spirit: that intangible thing that binds associations together. But building it happens in very tangible ways. Best of all, it’s not as daunting as you might think. A tightly knit community can be created by having your association follow just a few simple steps. Let’s go over some of those ideas right here.
  • What’s missing from your community association budget?

    Every year about the same time, your community association board is most likely creating its budget for the following year. Learn about seven commonly neglected items in community association budgets that you may be missing.
  • Which of These Three Maintenance Styles Describes You?

    Nothing bites into your budget like maintenance issues. Whether it’s the grounds keeping and upkeep that you pay for on a regular basis or those surprise projects (natural disasters, anyone?) that sneak up on you, maintenance can account for an average of 25% or more of your overall expenditures.
  • Why community associations get sued and what to do if it happens to you

    Your community or condominium association is there to protect the interests of all of its members. However, there may be situations when one or more residents don’t believe that the association is on their side. Hopefully, everyone involved can come to a reasonable solution, but if you can’t, it’s possible that your association – and even your board members – could become the target of a lawsuit.
  • Winter Pipe Safety Measures

    So winter’s coming...and you’ve got a watchful eye on driveways, roofs and other essential areas. But don’t forget about one of the most freeze-sensitive parts of your buildings and systems: pipes.
  • Email Communication

    You may be unaware that you are opening up all of your emails to scrutiny. When using a personal or work email address to conduct association business, there is a potential liability involved.
  • How Can My Association Fund Capital Improvements?

    Nothing lasts forever…and when it comes time to replace your high-rise roof, community pool or to add new amenities, your association will need to determine how to pay for it. All of these things – significant repairs and replacements, as well as new construction – are considered capital improvements.
  • 10 Planning Property Event Ideas for Your Community

    If you're tasked with planning property events for your community or condo association, have no fear! Follow these simple steps for a successful event.
  • 11 Things About Community Association Management Every Board Should Know

    Choosing the right community association management company is one of the most important decisions a board will make. Know what you should expect from a qualified service provider!
  • 12 to-do’s for ultimate HOA landscaping maintenance

    A good spring-cleaning can do wonders for your community association. Here are some tips to get your started.
  • 5 Ways You Can Improve Board Communication

    How well your board communicates has a tremendous impact on your community association. Every board can benefit from these 5 principles.
  • How to Get Rid of Millipedes and How to Prevent Their Invasion

    Ah, Florida nights. Perfect temperatures. And...a disgusting mass of undulating insects climbing up the side of your building? Learn how to get rid of millipedes.
  • 8 Skills You'll Master as a Board President

    You've been elected as the President of the Board for your community association. You're signing up for a very important job! Here are some necessary skills!
  • 9 Guidelines for a Successful Community Association

    Volunteering on the board of a community association is not for the faint of heart and can be a full-time job! Communities come in different shapes and sizes, but serving on a board of directors is similar across the board.
  • All You Need to Know About Property Management Social Media

    Social media can be a phenomenal marketing and communications tool for your community association! But you need a strategy!
Showing 73 - 96 of 433