
Showing 121 - 144 of 347
  • Fire Safety Tips for Condos and High-Rises

    High-rises come with challenges, and chief among them is fire safety. Here are four Fire Safety Tips from the experts at National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
  • Five Ways to Minimize Maintenance Surprises

    When it comes to the maintenance of your community, issues will arise. Preventative maintenance helps keep future problems at bay, many communities have begun implementing predictive maintenance as well.
  • Five Ways to Provide Reasonable Accommodation by Creating a Fair Living Space

    Is your Board familiar with the term “fair living space”? If not, then you should familiarize yourself with the concept as it can have a profound effect on your community and your residents.
  • How Your Property Management Company Can Help Your Community Prepare for Tornadoes

    Tornadoes are fearsome because of their unpredictable nature. They can strike at any time of year and almost any place. Here's how to stay prepared!
  • How a Solid Flooring Policy Can Minimize Noisy Neighbor Problems in Your High-Rise

    Do you hear every single step your upstairs neighbors take? Are they keeping you up at night? Before going ballistic, take a deep breath; it might not be their fault.
  • How to Create a Preventative Building Maintenance Plan

    A comprehensive plan for preventative maintenance is a top priority with great benefits. It helps detect a problem before a failure, anticipates repairs, and extends the life of every critical asset in your building.
  • Is Your Staff Properly Trained to Respond to Emergencies?

    Whether you live in a high-rise condominium, a gated community or an active adult community, emergencies happen. Does your onsite staff know what to do to protect residents and the community?
  • Keeping Your Community Safe During Summer Vacation Season

    Georgia is fortunate to have milder winters than much of the United States, but summer is still the most wonderful time of year for a lot of people. Of course, a lot of folks take that opportunity to travel.
  • Landscape Basics: Getting the Most Out of Your Landscape Design

    Trees are an essential and invaluable part of the environment. They provide oxygen, improve air quality, add character to landscaping, increase curb appeal and property values.
  • 5 Steps to the Best Reserve Study Firm

    Nothing lasts forever and you need to have a plan to replace major items and systems before their lifespans end. How do you create that plan? Start with a quality reserve study.
  • Riding the Storm Out: How Your Property Management Company Can Help With Hurricane Planning

    In recent years, hurricanes have become so large that they can affect the entire state of Florida and move well into Georgia, causing loss of power, flooding or sustained damage.
  • What Radon Exposure Can Mean for You and Your Family

    Radon can pose a very real threat to your health and well-being. Here's a basic overview of radon gas – what it is, where’s it’s found, the risks associated with it and how to protect your home and family from it.
  • 6 Ways HOAs Partner with Management Companies

    The distinct roles of the board and manager can shed some light on the ways the board can develop an effective partnership.
  • Communicating Your Association Budget

    Budgeting is the time for making tough decisions for how your association spends its money, and sometimes those decisions can, unfortunately, lead to contention. Clear communication about the association budget should be provided to all homeowners throughout the year to help solve problems before they begin and smoothly pave the way for needed changes.
  • Creating Condo and HOA Policies That Make Sense

    It’s a common problem that many condo and homeowners’ associations (HOAs) face: rules that simply don’t work as they were intended. Sometimes it’s because they are enforced inconsistently or aren’t enforced at all. Other times it’s because they go too far. At their worst, poorly instituted HOA policies can even cause neighborhood discord.
  • Does Your Association Have A Plan For Fostering A Sense Of Community?

    Humans are social creatures with a deep-seated yearning for connection and community. This is particularly evident in a condo association or HOA, where a strong sense of community can be the difference between long-standing residency and high turnover.
  • Five Steps to Running More Effective HOA Board Meetings

    One of the most challenging aspects of being on the board of your homeowners association (HOA) can be running board meetings. It’s not always easy to keep everyone tuned into the business at hand. In addition, you have to manage the inevitable disagreements among board members. How do you keep these meetings running smoothly?
  • Asphalt Repairs: Fixing Winter’s Damage

    As community managers begin inspection, they note the necessary repairs for winter damage as they make their rounds through the community.
  • How preventive maintenance can keep your HOA ready for all seasons

    Cold weather will soon be upon us, so now is the time for your homeowner association (HOA) to make sure your maintenance program is on track. As brutal as Chicago winters can be, you certainly don't want to discover a leak in your roof during a heavy snowfall or have a boiler stop working during a record cold spell. Don't get caught in the cold!
  • LED Lighting Offers a Bright Way for Condo Associations to Save

    Has your condo association been looking high and low for ways to save energy and money? The answer may be right over your head. Switching to LED bulbs can reduce your lighting costs by up to 75 percent. In this article, we answer common questions and shed some light on the benefits of LED lighting.
  • Planning Your High-Rise Maintenance and Capital Improvements

    Your association should never have to rely on a special assessment for a capital expense that could have been foreseen – or even prevented. Here are five tips to keep your Chicago high-rise condominium association's budget in the black and keep up with maintenance and capital improvements.
  • The Six Secrets to Building Your HOA’s Volunteer Pool

    Whether you’re on the board of a single-family homeowners association (HOA) or a high-rise condo association, your community depends on volunteers to operate successfully. However, finding residents who are willing to be on your board of directors, join a committee or help at an event can be challenging.
  • Email Communication

    You may be unaware that you are opening up all of your emails to scrutiny. When using a personal or work email address to conduct association business, there is a potential liability involved.
  • How Can My Association Fund Capital Improvements?

    Nothing lasts forever…and when it comes time to replace your high-rise roof, community pool or to add new amenities, your association will need to determine how to pay for it. All of these things – significant repairs and replacements, as well as new construction – are considered capital improvements.
Showing 121 - 144 of 347