
Showing 25 - 48 of 283
  • Here's How to Plan an Effective Association Budget for Your Community

    Preparing your association’s annual can be a source of stress, but more importantly, it’s a valuable opportunity to ensure the financial well-being of both your association and homeowners. Proper association management hinges on this financial tool for both short-term and long-term planning, so it’s important to follow some guidelines.
  • How to Protect Your Home from Wildfires

    Wildfires continue to be a constant and deadly threat across North America, and the risk intensifies with soaring annual temperatures, strong winds and severe drought conditions.
  • Hurricane Plans and Policies: Reduce Your Association’s Risk

    Hurricanes can bring tremendous physical destruction and financial ruin to a community association unless policies are put into place to prepare for the storms before they arrive, and to deal with the consequences afterwards. Every board whose association could possibly be impacted by a hurricane must have a hurricane preparedness policy to help maximize safety, minimize risk and ultimately, protect its operating budget too. And just as important as having a policy is communicating the policy to your residents.
  • The basics of HOA pool insurance: what you need to know

    Swimming pools are one of the most common, and most desirable, amenities in communities. Making sure to have proper community pool insurance coverage.
  • Board Effectiveness: Is Your Board as Effective and Healthy as It Can Be?

    Whether you are a board member who wants to ensure your board is doing everything it can to succeed or a resident who wants to get involved in the governing of your community, we have identified the best practices that can help you get the answers you need.
  • Keeping HOA and Condo Common Areas Clean During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    During these unprecedented times, residents are spending the majority of their time at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect themselves and their loved ones from infection. One of their primary contact points with the outside world is in your HOA or condo common areas, where they can be at risk of contact with lingering coronavirus or even spread existing virus to other areas of the property. Read on for a comprehensive list of places to clean and how to clean them.
  • Maintenance and Repairs vs. Capital Improvements – What’s the Difference?

    Maintaining your buildings’ assets is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. The common areas require a broad range of routine maintenance and repairs to keep them looking good and operating smoothly.
  • Promoting Fire Safety in Your Community Association

    Part of your job as a board member is ensuring the safety of residents in your community association. To that end, it’s important to educate homeowners about possible fire risks and the steps they can take to prevent fire hazards in their homes. Chances are that fire safety isn’t top of mind for residents. However, home fires are more common than most people realize.
  • 5 steps to choosing the best reserve study specialists

    In our guide to capital improvements , reserve studies and their relationship to capital improvements and preventive maintenance were discussed at length.
  • 6 safety tips for summer vacation

    Summer is a great time to hit the road! Travelers will be taking advantage of the warm weather to go to beaches, campsites, on cruises and more. Learn how to protect your home and preserve your peace of mind while you're away.
  • The Six Secrets to Building Your HOA Volunteer Pool

    Whether you’re on the board of a single-family homeowners association (HOA) or a high-rise condo association, your community depends on volunteers to operate successfully. However, finding residents who are willing to be on your board of directors, join a committee or help at an event can be challenging.
  • Updating Your Community Emergency Preparedness Plan for Pandemics

    In the past, when planning for emergencies, a global pandemic was likely not on your list. While most board members did not anticipate a pandemic as something that needed a plan before COVID-19, it's now clear that communities need to develop a plan to address this and any future pandemics. Read on to learn how to build a community emergency preparedness plan with a possible resurgence of coronavirus and other potential pandemics in mind.
  • What’s missing from your community association budget?

    Every year about the same time, your community association board is most likely creating its budget for the following year. Learn about seven commonly neglected items in community association budgets that you may be missing.
  • Why community associations get sued and what to do if it happens to you

    Your community or condominium association is there to protect the interests of all of its members. However, there may be situations when one or more residents don’t believe that the association is on their side. Hopefully, everyone involved can come to a reasonable solution, but if you can’t, it’s possible that your association – and even your board members – could become the target of a lawsuit.
  • Email Communication

    You may be unaware that you are opening up all of your emails to scrutiny. When using a personal or work email address to conduct association business, there is a potential liability involved.
  • How Can My Association Fund Capital Improvements?

    Nothing lasts forever…and when it comes time to replace your high-rise roof, community pool or to add new amenities, your association will need to determine how to pay for it. All of these things – significant repairs and replacements, as well as new construction – are considered capital improvements.
  • 15 Things You’ll Want to Do Before Selecting an Insurance Agent

    Insurance is one of the most important line items on your association's budget, but it is oftentimes the most expensive. Do you know how to select the right agent?
  • How to Get Rid of Millipedes and How to Prevent Their Invasion

    Ah, Florida nights. Perfect temperatures. And...a disgusting mass of undulating insects climbing up the side of your building? Learn how to get rid of millipedes.
  • What to Know About an HOA Emergency Board Meeting During Trying Times

    It's hurricane season again. As soon as June 1st rolls around, we are assaulted with hurricane preparedness pamphlets and emergency information at every turn.
  • Estoppel Certificates: 7 Myths and the Real Facts

    Estoppel certificates are a critical part of any real estate transaction and can be confusing. What's included, how are they created, what does it all mean? Learn more here.
  • First Locally Transmitted Virus Case Confirmed for Zika in Florida

    In February, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency when cases of the Zika virus began to spread, impacting Florida.
  • Six New Things You Should Know About Flood Insurance in Florida

    As a Floridian, you're pretty familiar with flood insurance, but you may not be aware of the recent changes in the law. Learn more here!
  • Four Ways to Get Mosquitoes to Buzz Off

    Ah, summertime in Florida. Backyard barbecues. Long days at the beach. And endless mosquito bites.
  • High Rise Fire Safety Tips

    High-rises come with their own challenges, and chief among them is fire safety. Here are four Fire Safety Tips from the experts at National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Showing 25 - 48 of 283