
Showing 73 - 96 of 500
  • Healthy Living - Healthy Lifestyle Tips for a Longer, Better Life

    If you could, would you want to live forever? Jeanne Calment of France, who was 122 ½ years old when she died in 1997, holds the world record for longest confirmed lifespan – long enough that as a child, she actually met Vincent Van Gogh and watched the construction of the Eiffel Tower.
  • Four ways to fund an HOA capital improvement project

    Living in a residential community means around-the-clock routine maintenance to preserve the community and its assets. But there comes a time when one of your assets will reach the end of its useful life and require a replacement or significant repairs.
  • How Multigenerational Communities Can Please All Ages and Stages

    What type of neighbors do you prefer – people just like you, or a mix of ages, stages and life experiences? If you like diversity, you’re not alone – age-inclusive communities, aka multigenerational communities, are found in many locations and varieties throughout the U.S. and Canada. But here’s the challenge: since multigenerational communities attract residents of all ages – and multigenerational lifestyle communities offer desirable amenities and programs – how do their associations choose the right mix of activities and programming to meet homeowners’ needs and interests and enhance their lifestyles, both now and in the years to come?
  • Why Millennials Matter to the Future of Your Association

    Millennials are the fastest growing group of home buyers in the US. Learn why you need to get this important demographic involved in your association today.
  • How to Boost Your Home’s Value Before You Sell

    Your home is likely the single largest purchase you will make and your greatest investment. When you sell it, you obviously want to get the greatest return on that investment. A quick Google search will serve up dozens of articles on the things you can and should do to make the most of your home’s value before you sell. A lot of them have great advice – but there are some things we’d like you to consider as well when looking at what will enhance your property values.
  • How to Declutter Your Home Without Losing Your Mind

    It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of stuff we accumulate. And it’s hard sometimes to figure out how to part with things, what to do with them and where they should go. The experts at California Closets, the leader in custom home storage solutions, have you covered. Follow these tips to declutter your home and even do some good in the process.
  • 7 ways to make the most of HOA living

    Homeowners' Association (HOA) living has become increasingly popular in recent years. It offers numerous benefits, including well-maintained common areas, enhanced property values, and a sense of community.
  • How to organize an HOA event that feed your association’s community spirit

    Want your events to bring residents closer? Everyone loves a well-planned event, and the residents in your community association are no exception. Follow these tips for creating memorable events in your community association.
  • How to Plan Successful Community Events

    What’s a great way for homeowners associations to bring residents together, create a sense of community pride and encourage social, cohesive, we’re-all-part-of-the-same team atmosphere? Plan community events!
  • How to Feng Shui your bedroom

    You might be surprised to learn that the ancient Chinese have been practicing feng shui for 5,000 years. It’s believed that every object possesses unique energy or life force (chi), which interacts with your own personal energy flow.
  • How Your HOA Can Make Your Community Pet Friendly

    Before deciding that pet amenities are right for your community, find out if your residents even want them. How many residents actually have pets? Will most residents be willing to appropriate space and money for these amenities? Depending on your unique needs, constraints, and level of interest, here are five suggestions for making your community more pet-friendly.
  • Increasing HOA Volunteerism By Effectively Engaging Homeowners

    Regardless of the size of your community, or where it’s located, there is always one thing that every community association board and committee needs: resident volunteers. Unfortunately, however, volunteers are often a scarce resource.
  • Is living in a high rise the right choice for you?

    You’re just starting out and excited to buy your first home, or perhaps your kids have left the nest and you’re finally able to downsize. In this active housing market, you’ve got lots options and things are definitely looking up – so maybe you should, too. We’re talking about vertical living, a.k.a. a high-rise condominium. Could high-rise condo living be right for you?
  • Keeping HOA and Condo Common Areas Clean During the Coronavirus Pandemic

    During these unprecedented times, residents are spending the majority of their time at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect themselves and their loved ones from infection. One of their primary contact points with the outside world is in your HOA or condo common areas, where they can be at risk of contact with lingering coronavirus or even spread existing virus to other areas of the property. Read on for a comprehensive list of places to clean and how to clean them.
  • Knowing When to Call Your Manager

    The FirstService Residential customer care center means residents don't have to wait for the right time to call their manager -- the care center provides 24/7 access to help to address their questions and concerns.
  • Leaving for Winter Vacation? Five Tips to Protect Your Home While You’re Away

    What’s your dream winter vacation? According to recent statistics, when temperatures plunge, the four most popular vacation choices, in order, are beach vacations, sightseeing tours, casinos and ski trips. But no matter whether you plan to pack your bathing suit, walking shoes, ski parka or lucky rabbit’s foot, there’s one thing that should always be part of your vacation planning – ensuring home protection while you’re away.
  • Fall tips for homeowners: Preparing your HOA for fall

    Whether your HOA is self-managed or professionally managed, getting started on your fall and winter prep will help keep your operations running smoothly as the seasons and temperatures change – and that will keep your residents happy as well.
  • Capital improvements vs repairs and maintenance: What’s the difference?

    Maintaining your buildings’ assets is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. The common areas require a broad range of routine maintenance and repairs to keep them looking good and operating smoothly.
  • Managing community maintenance and improvement needs

    Whether your community is self-managed or professionally managed, maintenance is a big part of the day-to-day responsibilities. It’s a responsibility that can quickly become overwhelming, especially when you walk in on a Monday morning to a list of what went wrong over the weekend.
  • Mold: How Should Your Association and Homeowners Handle It?

    No one wants to find mold in their home or any association building. Unfortunately, mold is ubiquitous – it’s in the air and in the water, and when given the chance, it spreads like crazy. Learn steps to prevent mold or to have it assessed and properly treated, preserving your buildings and the health of your residents.
  • Nine of the best ways to protect your home

    You’ve worked hard to create a home that is warm and inviting for your family and friends. So how can you make sure it won’t also be inviting to burglars or others with criminal intent? We’ve got ten tips that can help keep your home and property safe -- and keep unwanted visitors at bay.
  • One Way to Get More Out of Home Life

    Where does true happiness begin? We’re sure you agree – it begins at home.
  • 3 ways to get to know your community and neighbors

    The Internet is exploding with social networking sites and websites designed to educate and connect people, whether they’re across the street or across the globe. Strong networks create safer communities and more rewarding living experiences, but with our busy schedules and time constraints, it’s not always easy to become acclimated and involved. Fortunately, there are websites and online tools expressly designed for this purpose – facilitating everything from helping you obtain community information, discover local businesses, organizations and service providers, build connections and friendships with neighbors, become active in your local community and much more. We’ve provided an overview to get you started.
  • Pros and Cons of Do It Yourself Repairs and Maintenance

    FirstService Residential's Bill Worrall discusses the hidden costs of DIY maintenance and repairs and provides great insight into how boards can determine what can be done in house and what should be subbed out to appropriate contractors.
Showing 73 - 96 of 500