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  • Resolving Community Conflict: 4 Principles for Board Members

    Think about the last conflict you experienced on your board or in your community. Who was at fault? It can be easy to point fingers or immediately ignore a “disagreeable” person’s opinion, but as a board member, there are many factors you should take into account.
  • Hosting an Annual Meeting That Homeowners Will Want to Attend

    The number one reason associations fail to meet quorum is the lack of participation by their homeowners. Knowing this, we’ve put together a list of practical ideas to help increase homeowner participation and alleviate the worry about whether or not you will have enough attendance to hold your meeting.
  • 5 Tips for Managing Your HOA Parking Rules Nevada Boards Should Know

    As a Nevada community association, how do you address HOA parking violations? Here are five tips to help you manage your policy.
  • Upholding community standards: 5 most common HOA violations

    An HOA violation refers to any action or condition that goes against the community's governing documents, including covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs), and bylaws.
  • Five community landscape maintenance tips

    For most people, looking neat, attractive and well groomed ranks high on their list of priorities. They have the same expectations for where they live – in fact, according to a recent industry survey, over 70% of homebuyers consider curb appeal an important factor when choosing a community.
  • What to Consider When Planning Your Community Landscaping

    Beautiful landscaping is integral to any community. The right community landscaping can enhance your property values and make the area more enticing to prospective homebuyers and residents. Whether you’re investing for the first time or revamping your community landscaping, here are four considerations to keep in mind when choosing what to plant, when to plant and how to maintain what you’ve planted.
  • Avoiding Community Conflict: Best HOA Practices for Dispute Resolution

    How do you prevent conflict, avoid costly litigation and maintain a great resident experience in your community? Start by adopting these best practices for dispute resolution.
  • Is HOA Agreement a Unicorn? 3 Boards Share What It Takes

    While maintenance, events, committees, and budget are all crucial aspects of managing a homeowners’ association, there's one even bigger challenge that board members face: HOA agreement and alignment. Read on to discover the secret to successful alignment among diverse individuals with distinct values.
  • Choosing the Right Community Management Company to Manage Amenities

    A big part of what sets your community apart is the amenities it offers. This goes beyond a pool, a fitness area or a place for a rooftop party – your amenities help create a lifestyle, and that’s the most important thing to residents and association members.
  • Before Creating a New HOA Policy, Ask These 5 Questions

    Great policies can help your association run smoothly, enhance the resident experience and improve your reputation. Here are five questions to ask before creating a new HOA policy.
  • Four Steps to Creating a No-Smoking Policy in Your Building

    We have all heard about the harmful effects of smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. Arizona law addresses the dangers of secondhand smoke through its Smoke-Free Arizona Act. The Act prohibits smoking in enclosed public buildings and workplaces, as well as in enclosed, common areas of multifamily buildings.
  • Don’t Be the HOA Bad Guy: 4 Proven Policy Enforcement Tips

    Enforcing HOA policies is nobody’s cup of tea, but having good policy enforcement in place helps improve the resident experience and elevates your reputation. Follow these 4 principles for healthy policy enforcement:
  • Reserve Funds: HOA Budgeting Tips to Improve Your Returns

    Are you getting the best returns on your reserve funds? Most Arizona board members aren't sure. Find out six ways to improve your association's reserve fund returns, like creating an HOA investment policy.
  • How to Select the Right Community Management Company

    If you’re a board member of a Phoenix HOA, or any Arizona community for that matter, you’re used to facing challenges. But oftentimes, these challenges can become overwhelming. That’s why many master-planned and condo communities look to professional community management companies for help.
  • Is Your Association Manager Equipped for Success? 3 Questions to Ask

    Does your association manager have the right tools, resources and support to take your association to the next level?
  • Seven Tips for Choosing the Right Reserve Study Firm

    Your reserve fund is an important way for your homeowners association (HOA) to plan and budget for the future. It gives you the financial ability to maintain the quality of your community by funding necessary—and expensive—projects. Rather than covering day-to-day maintenance expenses, a reserve fund is intended to be used for major expenses like roofing, paving and capital improvements (for example, new construction or remodeling).
  • 6 Questions for Self-Managed Associations to Consider

    As a self-managed association, do you need a management partner? Before making that choice, ask these 6 questions.
  • Staffing, Employer Liability and Homeowners Associations: Who is Handling Your HR?

    You may take on several responsibilities as an HOA board member, but Human Resources (HR) should not be one of them. In order to avoid employer liability, your board should leave HR responsibilities to a professional community management company.
  • Why Master and Sub-Associations Should be Managed by the Same Community Management Company

    Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know who to call when an issue in your HOA came up because you live in a sub-association of a master-planned community that has two different community management companies? This is a consistent challenge for many homeowners living in multiple managed communities.
  • An Ounce of Prevention

    Like changing the oil in your car, regular maintenance on a building helps keeps everything working properly and safely. For stratas, some tasks are not optional, they are mandatory.
  • The Importance of Homeowners Insurance

    Up to 60 percent of strata home owners in the Greater Vancouver Regional District lack insurance. A good policy will protect your biggest asset and help you keep your head above water.
  • Four ways to set decoration policies for your strata corporation without being a grinch

    Lights, candles and wreaths, oh my! The most decorated season of the year is arriving, with celebrations from many cultures and faiths coinciding in the next few months. For condo communities, the desire to deck the halls can clash with the rules of the corporation. Follow these tips to maintain a festive community without décor running amok.
  • Getting Your Strata’s Spring Cleaning Started

    As strata managers begin their inspection, they note the necessary repairs for winter damage as they make their rounds through the community.
  • Tis the Season…Will Your Holiday Packages Arrive Safely and on Time?

    It’s that wonderful time of year! Many of us are shopping online to get that perfect gift for our loved ones. And, for those doing last-minute shopping, we don’t want to have to worry that something will go wrong with our deliveries.
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