Is Your Property Ready for Hurricane Season?

With hurricane season in full swing, we are reminded of the devastation that can be caused by a truly powerful storm. Winds can reach upwards of 150 miles per hour and flooding can be vast, making conditions both during and after a storm dangerous. While hurricanes can happen at any time, their potential to impact New York City is greatest from August to October.

We place a high level of importance on helping our clients take proactive approaches to hurricane season; preparedness is essential to prevent extensive damage and ensure safety. As such, our in-house experts have created a FREE Hurricane Preparedness Guide for Residents and Building Staff in New York City Multifamily Properties as our gift to you in support of preparing a solid plan to help your building weather any storm.

Need more information? Read our hurricane preparedness articles.

How Your Property Management Company is Your Friend During Hurricane Season

How A Property Management Company Helps to Rebuild After a Hurricane
You don’t have to weather hurricane season alone. Contact FirstService Residential to learn more about the benefits of partnering with an experienced property management company throughout storm season and beyond.