Rushing out the door. Blasting through the homework. Carpooling to practice. Countless trips back to the house for forgotten backpacks, lunch, jackets, and hats. Sound familiar? Going back to school means  more than a change in your schedule -- it’s a change in your whole reality.
However, school starting doesn’t have to mean back to insanity, and a little organization can go a long way toward managing all this stress.
Here are some tips for getting you and your house to be more school-friendly.
1.  Make lists
Make a few different lists to help everyone be prepared: 1.) Items to Buy; 2.) Things to Do; 3.) First Day Reminders; and 4.) After-school Rules. There’s a good chance you’re already done with back-to-school shopping (especially since Target’s been promoting school supplies since July), but there always seems to be a few surprises after school starts. Add forgotten supplies to your shopping list as soon as possible so you don’t forget. Lists can help everyone, even if you’re not a Type-A.

2.  Eliminate unnecessary clutter
Go through closets and remove what your kids will no longer wear, need or want. Ask yourself if they’d look better on a sibling or if it’s time to start a donation pile.

3.  Organize
As you successfully de-clutter the closest, don’t forget to organize as you pile in all the new school clothes. Put frequently-worn pieces in an accessible place, and group clothes by type. Create a great spot for ‘Next Day’ outfits so  sleepy kids can easily find their wardrobe in the mornings.

4.  Create after-school rules
Backpacks thrown in the hall. Half-eaten lunches spilling on the floor. And shoes, well, those are everywhere or nowhere. By writing a list of simple after-school rules , you set expectations that can jump start a great the evening and reduce the levels of chaos and stress.

Following these simple tips can help your kids focus on the things that matter and help your house run smoothly.
Tuesday September 08, 2015