Alberta mid-rise property management

Alberta mid-rise condominium property management

Mid-rise apartment living is a popular life-style choice for many Alberta condominium owners.

At FirstService Residential Alberta we know that communities with common areas that are well-maintained, who consider safety as a priority and deliver a pleasing curb appearance, are more likely to enjoy enhanced property values. These are the features we strive to provide at every property we manage.

We select the right team to manage all aspects of your Alberta building

Every Alberta community wants a management team that is closely aligned to its needs. We understand that and work closely with your board to select the right manager ─ one who is supported locally by an experienced accounting and operational team. We’ll work with you to determine the requirements for your property, set goals and create personalized strategies to deliver the desired results. In order to do this we need to understand the things that are important to your residents and, with direction from the board, deliver a personalized level of service that exceeds expectations.

Our standard operating procedures have been tested and proven at hundreds of mid-rise condominium communities throughout Alberta. We know we can reduce operating expenses at the same time as we provide the high level of service you expect. Our comprehensive maintenance programs protect property values, enhance curb appeal, and are designed to extend the useful life of your Alberta building’s mechanical and structural components.

Our full-service condo management services include:

  • Vendor management services
  • Access to our Property Maintenance Division
  • Regularly scheduled property inspections
  • Bylaw enforcement
  • Insurance and claims
  • Complete financial services
  • Timely advice about reserve fund expenditures and investments
  • FirstService Residential Connect communication software
  • Condominium fee collections/delinquency services
Learn more about how FirstService Residential’s Alberta mid-rise condominium management services can meet your community’s needs today.
Our services

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