Download our Communication Infographic

Download our infographic, How to Improve Communication in Your Condo Corporation: 7 Steps Residents Can Take.

Who’s responsible for communication in your condo corporation? 
If you said "the board" or "the property manager," you’re only partially correct.  As a resident, you have to do your part, including:
  • Reaching out if your email address changes
  • Relaying important information to your tenants 
  • Making an effort to stay informed
Good communication isn't a one-way street. It involves everyone in your corporation. Make sure you know your role!
Learn how you can impact communication in your condo corporation today! 

Download our free infographic, How to Improve Communication in Your Condo Corporation: 7 Steps Residents Can Take, to discover how to play your part. Fill out the form today! 
Tuesday November 06, 2018