Does Your Condo Corporation Have A Plan For Fostering A Sense Of Community?

Monday July 20, 2020
In a condo corporation, residents want to feel connected and part of a community. It is in our human nature to feel this way, and this is quite evident when the tenure of a resident’s stay in a condo lasts long or gets cut short. Of course, there may be other factors, but long-standing residency versus high turnover can be eye-openers when it comes to knowing how much of a sense of community your condo has. 
Usually, a community will include individuals who share commonalities or goals, which is sometimes how Boards come together on a common policy. Both new board members and experienced ones can benefit from understanding their roles overtime. Regarding your condo corporation, whether they are laid out loud or not, residents share common core values and goals, and this is a defining factor of the community.
If you need some help improving your condo community or want a checklist to see what you can improve, continue reading for our recommendations to do just that. 
 1. Running your corporation effectively shows that you care about your residents and holding productive meetings can help improve your understanding of your governing documents.
2. Being transparent with your residents creates and fosters a relationship of honesty and respect; let your residents have a voice in what goes on in the community. 
3. Event planning can be helpful when you want to hold fun neighbourly interactions via events and lifestyle programs.
4. Encourage residents to volunteer so they feel they are contributing to their community without feeling forced into it, including being part of a board or committee. 
5. Show your community pride and maintain a positive reputation with new experiences so that prospective residents instantly get a sense of what kind of condo corporation they’ll be joining.
6. Continue to go above and beyond for your residents and ensure they are always in the know about community updates or local happenings and features. 
When you are part of a community where neighbours care for each other and get along, it provides a huge sense of emotional satisfaction because you know your residents are living a better quality of living. Getting the Board’s help can also be extremely helpful, so ensure they are getting the proper training.
What is your condo board's plan for building a greater sense of community for your corporation.
Monday July 20, 2020