Changing Management Companies? Why a Team Approach Is the Best Method

Change can be difficult! Even when change is welcome and eagerly anticipated, it can be stressful. Transitioning from one community association management company to another is definitely in that category. There’s so much happening in a short amount of time and a lot of important work to be done.
What does it take to make a smooth transition from one community association management company to another? How can your association avoid financial missteps and pitfalls when changing management? First, make sure that the management company you are considering has the resources you need in every aspect. Transitioning to a new company is simply too large a task for one manager to handle!  A team approach is the best way for a professional community association management company to handle a transition. 

Download our complimentary infographic, “Can Your Future Management Company Guarantee a Smooth Transition?” to learn:

  • Who should be managing your transition process

  • When transition typically begins and how long the team should be available

  • How your new management should communicate with the board and community

  • How existing staff, vendors and contractors should be handled during the transition