Aerial view of HOA board members sitting around a table with charts and a laptop out
Communicating Your Association Budget
Dec 30, 2020
Budgeting is the time for making tough decisions for how your association spends its money, and sometimes those decisions can, unfortunately, lead to contention. Clear communication about the association budget should be provided to all homeowners throughout the year to help solve problems before they begin and smoothly pave the way for needed changes.
Long-Term Community Planning is Your Legacy
Dec 08, 2020
Adequate funding and planning preserves your community for future residents.
Burst pipes with icicles
Protect Your Pipes: Avoid Catastrophe in Your Condo Association This Winter
Dec 04, 2020
When the temperature dips far below freezing, you'll want to be sure your pipes are well-insulated.
condo maintenance and repair roles
Condo maintenance and repairs: What are you responsible for?
Nov 18, 2020
How well do homeowners in your condo association understand maintenance responsibilities? You might think that responsibilities for condo maintenance, repairs and replacements would be straightforward enough – what’s inside the condo unit is the homeowner’s, and what’s outside is the association’s.You might think that responsibilities for maintenance, repairs and replacements would be straightforward enough, what's inside the condo unit is the homeowner's responsibility and what's outside is the association's but that's not always the case.
Condo rental restrictions
Rental restrictions in condominiums: Everything you need to know
Nov 16, 2020
HOA rental restrictions can bring several benefits to a community association if done properly. Here are five steps to follow when adopting HOA rental restrictions successfully.
Winterizing checklist
Winterizing Your Community Association
Nov 06, 2020
Now is the time for building engineers to winterize their buildings to protect them from harsh Illinois winters.
Board Member Tips
Property Management 101: Top Tips for Board Members
Oct 30, 2020
As a condominium board member, you know you have a huge part to play in ensuring a great lifestyle for your residents. It’s your job to provide leadership, ensure financial stability and create a sense of togetherness. Consult these helpful property management tips for new board members and experienced ones alike.
Wild animals in community associations
Managing Wild Animals in Associations
Aug 28, 2020
It’s possible for us to live in harmony with wildlife, but association leaders may need to exercise special vigilance when animals and humans might be in conflict.
Communication in budgeting
Tips for successful communication in budgeting
Aug 11, 2020
Follow these best practices for planning communications before, during and after the budget is ratified, to ensure residents are informed and involved.
one lightbulb on, one light bulb off
How to Save Energy During a Pandemic
Aug 06, 2020
Energy consumption is trending upwards as vacations are halted, professionals are working from home, and schools remain closed. Save on your energy bill without giving up comfort with these few tips.