Whitney Ranch Teens Volunteer with Placer Food Bank

Tuesday July 02, 2013
The Whitney Ranch community in Rocklin, in association with FirstService Residential, worked with United Way to plan a summer break activity for teens who live in the community.

The Whitney Ranch community in Rocklin, in association with FirstService Residential, worked with United Way to plan a summer break activity for teens who live in the community. A group of teens and some parent and staff chaperones volunteered their time at United Way certified nonprofit partner Placer Food Bank. Placer Food Bank is a vital link between food and the people who need it. The organization serves thousands of people through two primary channels: local food donors and their network of feeding agencies. From the largest community meal programs to the smallest grassroots food closets, the Placer Food Bank reaches people in need throughout Placer and surrounding counties.

The teens from Whitney Ranch helped put together over 300 boxes of food that will be distributed to organizations who serve those in need. Thank you to the teens, parents and staff from Whitney Ranch/FirstService Residential for stepping up and pitching in to help. In addition, thank you to Placer Food Bank for being wonderful hosts for the volunteers and making it a fun day all about making a difference and learning what it means to give back.

Read Full Article: United Way
Article by http://www.yourlocalunitedway.org.com | Tuesday July 02, 2013