At FirstService Residential in California, we are passionate about giving back to our communities, friends and neighbors we serve. Our team members live, work and play in the same communities as you do, and we strive to provide service that goes above and beyond every day.
We have been actively involved in philanthropic giving since our founding over 30 years ago. Our employees are passionate about helping people and local communities. We contribute to many charitable organizations including an annual program for the United Way as well as the Habitat for Humanity, Home Aid, American Red Cross, City of Hope, Vocational Visions and Human Options.
The United Way has awarded us with the following: Platinum Achievement Award, The Spirit of Orange County Company Award, A Golden Key Award and a Nomination for Excellence in Leadership Giving Award.
We also help communities in need in times of disaster. The most recent example occurred in 2017 when Texas and Florida were affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma – well over 100 associate donated about $19,000 to the American Red Cross which is being matched by FirstService Residential, in addition to the $100,000 already contributed by the company.
However, just a few days after the storm hit, FirstService Residential established a $10 million emergency Hurricane Recovery Fund to help affected residents and properties begin making repairs before their insurance claims were finalized. Thanks to this immediate short term loan funding, our residents and their families were able to begin the recovery process and start getting back to their daily lives.
Holidays 2017
Our associates continually live our mission by giving back to their communities. Here are some of the ways they brightened the holidays for those in need this holiday season:
Sacramento created lawn decorations for 15 low income families in high crime neighborhoods.
San Diego raised over $5,000 for The Seany Foundation which focuses on the long-term emotional health of both children with cancer and their families.
East Bay associates volunteered to assemble meals for Kids Against Hunger a non-profit humanitarian organization with a mission to provide fully nutritious for to improverised children and families around the world... and around the corner.
Los Angeles and Orange County associates volunteered to cook meals for families staying at their local Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Orange County associates collaborated with Mercy House and provided holiday gifts for 20 children.
Palm Desert associates held a canned food drive for the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission.
Inland Empire office partnered with Hospice of Riverside County and provided a complete Christmas for 7 families who have family members receiving hospice care. The team delivered presents, trees, holiday decorations, and a complete dinner to each family.
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