Download our Checklist!

Download our checklist, Annual Tasks for Boards, for 9 action items that your board should be certain to complete every year!

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or brand new association board member, it's vital that you understand your role and responsibilities.  Not only will it help you serve your community better, it will also help you with your own time management.  After partnering with thousands of board members, we've identified 5 tips to help you be successful as an association board member this year:

1. Understand your position and all pertinent responsibilities.

There are so many things to consider when planning your association goals. Gaining a deep knowledge of your role and all the tasks your board is responsible for is very important. Ask questions and try to gain as much information as possible. If you have any detailed questions, maintaining contact with a board member from the previous year may provide you some clarity. Work together with other board members to create a cohesive plan for your board. Alternatively, you can find a Texas property management company you can partner with to help you achieve your long-term goals.

2. Find a reputable source for the training and tools you need.
Many topics may be outside your area of expertise if you are a new board member. Sometimes, you learn as you go, and sometimes, the knowledge is passed on to you by those with more experience. FirstService Residential has industry experts who can offer you guidance. A good Texas property management company also offers board member training in a variety of formats. For example, with in-person seminars and classes, you can ask questions and exchange information with board members from other community associations. Online courses or webinars may also be an option as they allow you to learn at your convenience and pace.

3. Establish your main priorities to keep your board focused.
Keep a record of all necessary tasks, so you can stay organized and on track for the year ahead. Having strategic financial, organizational and operational goals to help your community remain a great investment is key. Follow through on action items and help communicate your needs to your management company.

4. Collaborate with your Texas property management company.
Besides maximizing your time and capabilities, letting your property management companyhandle the minute details may contribute towards reducing possible liabilities. “We do this for a living, so we understand the consequences,” says Richard Orduno, vice president at FirstService Residential. “We can protect board members and shield them from liability. They give us our marching orders, and then we help keep them to the various ordinances and laws, as well as make sure they are following their governing documents. But they have to trust us."

5. Communicate with your fellow association members.
Board meetings should be open to homeowners, and you should encourage their attendance and discussion while making decisions. The items you will discuss will make decisions which affect them, and everyone wants to be heard and appreciated. Once a board decision is made, find clear channels of communication that resonate with your community. “Let residents know what you’re doing and why. If they know the ‘why,’ they can understand it better,” Orduno says.

If you're wondering what essential tasks every association board should make sure to complete during the year, download our "Annual Tasks" checklist.
Thursday December 20, 2018