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Almost every day, many of us do this same thing: check social media. What's your favorite musician, company or best friend up to now? And, more importantly, what about their content keeps you coming back for more? As a board member, this, too, depends on if your community has an active social media audience.

Maintain your online reputation using these industry-approved yeas and nays of social media management.


DO: Build relationships. 

In person, you've engaged your high-rise community during board meetings and appreciation events. Continue building those relationships on social media, too! It's as easy as seeking their feedback or replying to a resident’s enthusiastic post about getting a new dog.

DO: Know when to post. 

You know your community. From work to raising children and everything in between, their schedules can get hectic. Keep this in mind when sharing content. Maybe the best times are in the morning after the kids at school, or after work when residents unwind after a productive day.

DO: Offer solutions. 

This is key to building online engagement. If a resident has questions about reserving the poolside cabana or how to request a car service, it's your chance to provide the best information and build trust with residents.

DO: Personalize it. 

In a confident tone, use your profile to show off your humorous or inspirational side. Content doesn't always have to talk about the business of high-rise living. Add variety with content about the convenience of on-site spa treatments or a share motivational posts to inspire others to join in on your unique lifestyle.

DO: Be visually appealing. 

What makes your community stand out? Showcase the convenience of having a poolside butler or private in-home events. You know what drew you to the high-rise life, so feature the amenities in a way that remind fellow residents why they love their community too. 

Pro tip: If you're using a cell phone to take photos, capture them in landscape mode
to capture the full scope of yoru engagement event.


DO: Show appreciation.

It takes work to be a board member (and we appreciate you for it!) but being a resident or vendor also has its responsibilities. The contractor who spent hours decorating your condo with holiday lights? Shout them out! Or the valet services who do a great job pulling your car to the front before you make it to the lobby? Shine the spotlight on them for their hard work.



DON'T: Ignore your audience. 

Resident discussions and questions that go unnoticed may imply that your idea of communication is a one-way street. Every comment doesn't need a response, but being consistent about your online engagement lets residents know they're heard.

DON'T: Neglect your account(s). 

Just like in-person engagement should be consistent, the content you share should be, too. Depending on your residents’ preferences, one post a day, week or month may be what they're comfortable with, but you can't know that without a data-driven strategy. Test the waters to see what works for your high-rise and go from there.

DON'T: Forget to include links. 

As stated before, your social media content doesn't have to be all business. If you've seen a video about trendy home improvements or an article about how well your condo is doing, share it on your page — link included!

DON'T: Overshare. 

Keeping a content cadence helps your social media profile thrive, but posting every other hour of every day can cause fatigue for residents and board members. It may even decrease the number of followers you have. Take the "quality over quantity" approach with the posts you share.

DON'T: Use poor grammar, spelling or ALL CAPS. 

As the official social page for your association, every post must be carefully reviewed before sharing it with residents. One or two mistakes here or there are harmless but, more than anything, your content should reflect the luxurious lifestyle your residents are accustomed to. And when it comes to sharing posts in all "ALL CAPS," it's the equivalent of shouting at someone. Display your enthusiasm using industry-approved means: an exclamation point!

DON'T: Dedicate all of your time to social media. 

As a board member, you've selflessly volunteered time to your condo association, but like most residents, you need downtime too. Take some time away to rejuvenate, connect with friends and family and spend time doing the things you love. 


Managing social media may come with its own set of rules, but when it comes to high-rise living, you operate differently when it comes to telling the story of what an invaluable lifestyle looks like and what sets your association above the rest.

Know a fellow board member or homeowner that could use this information? 
CLICK HERE to download and share the pdf version!

Friday January 10, 2020