The National Weather Service estimates that around 3,000 hailstorms cause over $1 billion dollars in damage each year. In April of 2017, multiple news outlets reported that San Antonio experienced $1.4 billion in estimated insured losses. While there is no way to prevent hail damage, you can lessen its impact on your home, community, and property.
Hail Safety Tips:
Ready your roof.
Large hail can really do a number on your roof and is one of the leading insurance claims after a severe storm. Consider installing impact resistant shingles, either Class 3 or 4 rated as defined by UL 2218). Although these high-rated products cost on average ten to twenty percent more, those who install them on their property will reduce maintenance costs and may eliminate roof replacement. This is good news for home value at resale. The Federal Alliance of Safe Homes (FLASH) has more information on available options to strengthen your roof and shingles for severe storms
Secure your surroundings.
Maintain trees and shrubs by removing weak branches, especially those overhanging your roof and driveway. Think about replacing any rock or gravel landscaping material with shredded bark or mulch, which will cause less damage if blown around by strong winds. Tie down or move to an enclosed space any top-heavy outdoor furniture that could topple over. Make sure any home decorations are moved indoors if possible to prevent possible flying debris.
Invest in insurance.
If your high-rise, single-family home or commercial property is in a hail-prone area, you might want to think about investing a small sum into an insurance policy that will cover repair costs. Keep in mind that most homeowner insurance policies do not cover hail damage. Don’t forget to keep track of all your repair receipts. Your insurance company may need them as proof of damage costs.
Thanks for reading our quick 4 part series on handling extreme weather in Texas. For more professional tips and all around good advice, contact FirstService Residential to see how we can help your community, building,or commerical property handle the roughest weather Texas has to offer.