Personalized energy advisory: Improving energy efficiency

Tailored solutions for energy efficiency

Increasing your property’s energy efficiency can be a daunting task. From updating building systems to reviewing consumption data, the list can seem unmanageable. That’s why we’re here to help provide energy solutions. 

FirstService Energy’s advisors can help your association save money and improve building operations. Our dedicated team meets with communities to help plan and develop a cost-effective strategy uniquely tailored to the property’s needs and energy goals.  

Our relationship with on-site staff and detailed property knowledge make for a more effective and efficient process than working with an outside consultant. Whether your community is just beginning its energy journey or has already implemented some efficiency measures, our advisors are here to help realize your property’s vision. 

Many FirstService Residential managed buildings have successfully implemented these strategies to save energy, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Below are a few of the many projects we can help you implement in your building: 

Energy efficiency opportunities

Our advisors can assist the community plan for EV charging station installation, and act as a consultant throughout the process. 

Our energy experts analyze your building’s current and historical energy consumption to create an energy assessment report with recommended measures for improvement.  

We help implement capital improvements that focus on retrofitting or replacing specific systems such as electrical and lighting systems, HVAC systems, and more.  

This process was created to check if the energy systems your building are installed correctly, function properly and are tested, and are capable of being operated and maintained, per the operational needs. 

Our goal is that a property’s systems perform per design and owner requirements. These no-cost or low-cost measures can enhance overall building performance immediately.

Our experts provide guidance on operating costs and utility budgeting. 

Replacing incandescent bulbs, CFLs, and fluorescent lighting with efficient LEDs in common areas and units is a simple way to save energy and improve light levels. 

After implementing electric submetering, most buildings see a 20% reduction in energy usage due to individual behavioral changes. 

Allows operators to monitor – and adjust – temperatures, lighting, system performance, and electricity demand in a single interface. 

Poor insulation and air sealing can increase the heating or cooling load in a property which increases energy use. A combination of caulking, spray foam, and weather stripping to seal leaks can prevent air leakage, accounting for 25% of a building’s heat loss. Changing the building envelope can be an expensive investment, which may or may not have an attractive ROI for a given association
Retrofitting the existing boiler system or upgrading to a more efficient model.

Increasing the efficiency of your building’s cooling system may include upgrades to the chiller, pumps, and fans that distribute the chilled air.  

And more. 

At FirstService Energy, our goal is to offer customized and cost-effective solutions to boost energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and lessen environmental impact in our communities. We guide boards toward energy-smart solutions for today and tomorrow for a life, simplified. 

Contact FirstService Energy today to work with one of our experts and start your building’s efficiency journey. 

Our Services

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