Winning Communication Strategies for Communities and Association Management Companies

Thursday May 12, 2016
Successful relationships typically hinge on one key thing: excellent communication. The relationship between community boards, residents and their association management company is no different. That’s why a good HOA management company will engage with you through a variety of tools and communication channels, ensuring clarity and accessibility in every interaction – which makes for a happier relationship all around. Here are just a few ways your association management company should be connecting with you.

Ever notice how the heat or air conditioning never seems to malfunction in your condominium during business hours? Or how a neighborhood sprinkler leak inevitably seems to rupture right before a big winter storm? Challenges and maintenance issues never take a holiday, and that means your association management company should always be on call, too. Ideally your company should provide you with a way to reach someone 24/7 in case of emergencies.  That’s why FirstService Residential has a 24-hour customer care center, a convenient call-in resource providing residents with immediate answers and information any time, day or night.

Online tools
Today’s association management companies should also provide you with tech-based tools that give you and your neighbors exclusive online communication portals.  These portals can act as a storehouse for board meeting minutes, resident account information, association financials, events calendars, newsletters and more. One great example is FirstService Residential Connect™, proprietary software developed by FirstService Residential, which provides valuable communication capabilities for both board members and community residents.

Disater alerts
When emergencies like hurricanes, tornadoes or other disasters arise, it’s prudent to have a disaster plan and an easy-to-use tool that enables a management company or board member to communicate with residents. The best association management company will make sure you are prepared for these scenarios proactively. The ResidentAlert™ tool through FirstService Residential Connect™ allows for real-time, immediate updates during emergencies that arrive in residents’ email inboxes or by a pre-recorded, audio message to their phones.

Structured updates
A good HOA management company will provide a structured communication process.  Weekly board updates on key community activities, challenges and upcoming meetings, is vital to ensuring board members are always informed and able to handle situations timey and effectively.  In addition, ENews and newsletters sent monthly or quarterly keep residents in the loop on key events and happenings and help to create a since of community. 

Customer feedback
Good communication is a two-way street, right?  The best relationships allow both parties the opportunity to share not only the good experiences, but the challenges as well.  That’s why beyond providing you with timely financials and operational wins, a great association management company will always ask for your feedback through an annual survey or review process.  Nothing says “I care” like a company that listens to its customers and takes steps to ensure its processes and practices continuously align with your expectations.
Communication, in many forms, is key to receiving the best service from your association management company. That’s why it’s important to seek out a company that takes a multi-channeled approach to stay in contact with the board members and residents it serves. Contact FirstService Residential, North America’s leading association management company, to learn more about the world-class communication tools and processes we use to keep in touch with our customers. 


Thursday May 12, 2016