Follow These Eight Rules for Good Policy Making in Your Community
Follow These Eight Rules for Good Policy Making in Your Community
Oct 25, 2016
Cohesive policies help make happy communities. The most important factors in making good policy in a community association, regardless of the issue being addressed, are clarity and sensibility. The board must be clearly united on the policy being created, the reasons why it’s being created and communication of that policy to all residents. Whether you live in the beautiful wooded areas around Bear, near the lovely downtown of Middletown or in a homeowner association on the shoreline at Rehoboth Beach, the basic steps to creating good policy and enforcing it successfully are the same.
Seven Keys to Finding the Right Reserve Study Firm
Seven Keys to Finding the Right Reserve Study Firm
Sep 30, 2016
Your reserve fund helps your association anticipate and budget for the future. The reserve fund gives you the power to maintain the quality of your community by allowing for projects that are both necessary and expensive, including necessary major repairs or capital improvements such as a future roofing or paving project. Setting up your reserve fund can be a complex task, but you don’t have to go it alone -- you simply need to find the right reserve study firm to help. Our seven tips to finding the right reserve study firm for your community will make the process seem much easier.
Smiling child holding binder, standing outdoors in front of chalkboard with words "back to school"
Tips to Keep Parents Sane and Kids Happy During Back-to-School
Aug 24, 2016
Summer is fading quickly and back-to-school time is here. In Delaware, many schools start at the end of August, which is speeding up! A little organization can go a long way toward minimizing back to school stress – and make this time of year more fun for everyone. Check out these suggestions from
California Closets, the leader in custom home storage solutions and an authority in design, for arranging your household to be more school-friendly, and your first day back will earn an A!
Young girl sitting down with her suitcase on her lap
Simple Tips to Help Community Members Plan for Vacation Travel
Aug 02, 2016
Summer is the time to hit the road! With school out and beautiful weather, it’s a great opportunity to go to beaches, camp, escape on a cruise and more. There are tons of options to choose from and lots of details to plan for a great summer vacation for everyone. Whether you’re leaving Wilmington for a road trip to Rehoboth Beach or leaving on a jet plane, it’s just as important, as a homeowner, to think about the state of the home you’ll be leaving behind. Whether you live in a townhouse, condo or single-family home, it’s important to know how to prepare your home for an extended time away.
If you work with a community association management company, you can reach out to your community manager for specific vacation preparation tips. No matter where you live, here are some simple tips to help ensure your home is safe and well maintained while you are off enjoying the summer sun.
Modern blue glass high rise
Planning for L.E.A.D.S. 2016 is underway
Aug 02, 2016
FirstService Residential is proud to announce L.E.A.D.S. 2016 will take place on Thursday, September 22nd at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. This biennial educational, networking event is focused and shaped on the attributes of Learn, Evolve, Achieve, Deliver, and Succeed.
Wood-paneled, pastel homes on a suburban street
11 Essential Qualities of a Community Association Management Company
Jul 07, 2016
In the market for a community association management company? Then you’ve probably already made a wish list of qualities you’re looking for. If so, that’s a good start.
Nevertheless, there are a few qualities that every community should seek in their management company – even beyond those capabilities that your board might be seeking specifically. Fortunately, we’ve put together a checklist of must-haves you should seek in any community association management firm you consider.
FirstService Residential Regional President, Micheal Mendillo
Michael Mendillo, Regional President of FirstService Residential, Mid-Atlantic, Inspires William Patterson University Students
Apr 09, 2015
Michael Mendillo, president of FirstService Residential's Mid-Atlantic region, returned to William Patterson University, his alma mater, to inspire students with real-life lessons about leadership and success.
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