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Rental restrictions in condominiums: Everything you need to know
HOA rental restrictions can bring several benefits to a community association if done properly. Here are five steps to follow when adopting HOA rental restrictions successfully. -
Leaking roof in winter: Why it happens and what to do
Your residents are calling on about water leaks after a snowfall. Could an ice dam on the roof be the culprit? -
Local Law 152: Updated Requirements for Boards and Buildings
Is your building prepared for Local Law 152 gas piping inspections? FirstService Residential recommends getting ahead of schedule to avoid unforeseen deficiencies and costly fines. -
FISP (Local Law 11) - Understanding Cycle 9 Requirements in NYC
FirstService Residential has invested substantial resources to facilitate each of our managed properties with facade inspections and is here to help you navigate the many intricacies of FISP. -
Reserve Fund? Special Assessment? Loan? 3 Ways to Fund Capital Improvements
Great capital improvements improve property values. Read on to see the three ways to pay for them and the pros and cons. -
Is Your HOA (Really) Prepared? 13 Questions to Assess Your Maintenance Plan
Avoid facing surprise HOA maintenance costs. Here are 13 questions to ask about your preventive maintenance plan. -
Market Trends & Best Practices: Property Insurance for Boards & Building Owners in 2021
Around the world, the property and casualty insurance industry experienced record losses from 2016 to 2019, and consumers are now feeling the effects on both a macro and micro scale. -
Is Your HOA Maintenance Plan Proactive or Reactive? 12 Questions to Ask
Are you asking the right questions? A strong maintenance plan can be the difference between a well-run and run-down Arizona association. -
Automating Compliance & Inspections for Multifamily Buildings in NYC
Robust automation software can help boards and building owners in New York City satisfy local law compliance deadlines and inspection cycles. -
New York’s Climate Mobilization Act | Frequently Asked Questions
FirstService Residential helps condo and co-op boards navigate CMA compliance, avoid costly fines and identify incentive programs that reduce the cost of building upgrades. -
Local Law 97 Updates: Building Energy Grades & Emissions Compliance
Local Law 97 impacts roughly 50,000 buildings across the city, a majority of which are multifamily residential properties. -
Residential EV Charging Stations: Benefits & Incentives for Multifamily Buildings
FirstService Residential recommends that all boards and building owners consider the installation of EV charging stations and incentives available through NYSERDA and ConEd. -
HOA Maintenance Checklist: Planning and Paying for Property Improvements
Want to keep your HOA or high-rise in tip-top shape for current and future residents? Learn how to plan and pay for maintenance and capital improvements. -
Multifamily Investment Activity in New York City
As different sectors of New York City’s economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, strong signs of life are emerging in multifamily rental property investment. -
New York City Council Extends Local Law 152 Inspection Deadlines for Boards & Building Owners
As of November 2021, the New York City Council has extended Local Law 152 gas pipeline inspection deadlines for boards and building owners through June 30, 2022. -
FAQ: How New York City’s COVID Vaccination Requirement Impacts Boards & Building Owners
As of December 27, 2021, New York City’s Department of Health requires building workers who perform in-person work to show proof of vaccination to their employer. -
How an HOA Preventative Maintenance Plan Can Keep Your Community From Walking on Thin Ice
Cold weather is upon us, so now is the time for your HOA to make sure your maintenance program is on track. Read this article to learn more. -
Looking Forward: Multifamily Investment, Construction, & Delivery Activity in New York City
The multifamily residential sector in New York City made significant strides in 2021 as borough economics continued to recover and transition into a post-pandemic paradigm. -
How an HOA Preventative Maintenance Plan Can Keep Your Community From Walking on Thin Ice
As a property manager, you always have to make sure your preventive maintenance program is on track. Read this article to learn more. -
Preparing for spring: 12 tips for HOA landscaping maintenance
A good spring-cleaning can do wonders for your community association. Here are some tips to get your started. -
Avoid Maintenance Surprises with a Property Maintenance Plan
There is no way to avoid surprises when it comes to the maintenance of your community. Preventative maintenance ensures that your systems are keeping future problems at bay; predictive maintenance is also effective. -
Which of These Three Maintenance Styles Describes You?
Nothing bites into your budget like maintenance issues. Whether it’s the grounds keeping and upkeep that you pay for on a regular basis or those surprise projects (natural disasters, anyone?) that sneak up on you, maintenance can account for an average of 25% or more of your overall expenditures. -
Ask the Experts: Rising Costs in Community Association Insurance
Insurance costs are rising, and budgeting for higher insurance premiums has become increasingly challenging for associations. Learn best practices for managing insurance premium increases. -
Trend Report: Multifamily Rental Leasing & Investment Activity in New York City
Though inflation and economic uncertainty continue to impact property investments and transactions, multifamily stakeholders and institutional owners remain optimistic.