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A guide to building effective community committees
Effective committees help lighten the load for board members. Learn how to set up and manage committees to leverage association engagement for maximum impact. -
Four Tips for HOA Board Members to Avoid Common Mistakes
We all make mistakes, it happens. Here are a few suggestions to help you avoid common board member missteps. -
What to Consider Before Buying a Vacation Home in Florida
A weekend or vacation getaway may turn out to be a good long-term investment, but it's important to do a little research first. Consider these five factors before you commit. -
3 Cost Containment Strategies to Minimize Assessment Hikes
Your fiduciary responsibility is the most important commitment to fellow homeowners. Learn cost containment strategies that can save your association money. -
Board of Directors and Property Management Company Responsibilities: What's the Difference?
All associations are led by a Board of Directors. The Board is generally comprised of homeowners elected by their peers to serve the residents of the community and make decisions in their best interests. -
CAI-Georgia Interviews FirstService Residential as part of their Leadership Circle
During the third quarter of 2015, the CAI-Georgia Membership Committee interviewed FirstService Residential as part of their Leadership Circle. Read more about what our team members shared on making a difference for Georgia communities. -
Choosing the Right Lifestyle Community for Your Needs: Five Tips
Lifestyle communities are becoming one of the fastest growing sectors in today's housing market. Read the five most common considerations that go into choosing the right lifestyle community. -
Great Service: Does Your Community Association Management Team Have What It Takes?
The right support, personality and set of expectations from your community are critical for your management team to deliver exceptional results. Does yours have what it takes? -
Factors Influencing the Future of Community Management
Community association management has been around for 50 years, making tremendous strides in that short time, as have the communities that have benefited from having professional teams managing their property. -
FirstService Residential is Growing and Hiring; Positions Include Property Managers, #2 Happiest Job
Are you happy at your current job? -
How are HOA board members elected? A guide to HOA elections
Elections play a critical role in ensuring that community associations work. The Georgia Nonprofit Corporate Code and most community governing documents require that the association hold an Annual Meeting where an election is an essential element. -
Five Tips for Effectively Marketing Your Association
Are there vacancies in your community? Empty homes can decrease the curb appeal of your community, lead to compliance issues and have a negative impact on your association's feeling of community. -
HOA Parking Rules: 6 Questions to Assess Your Policy
How can you ensure that your association’s parking rules are fair and easy to understand and follow? Here are 6 essential questions to ask before you create or enforce parking policies. -
Five Ways to Minimize Maintenance Surprises
When it comes to the maintenance of your community, issues will arise. Preventative maintenance helps keep future problems at bay, many communities have begun implementing predictive maintenance as well. -
Five Ways to Provide Reasonable Accommodation by Creating a Fair Living Space
Is your Board familiar with the term “fair living space”? If not, then you should familiarize yourself with the concept as it can have a profound effect on your community and your residents. -
Four Factors That Will Shape Association Living in the Coming Decades
As a member of your Board, you know what the future holds for your community association. What about those issues you can't control? How will you handle them when they pop up? -
How Your Property Management Company Can Help Your Community Prepare for Tornadoes
Tornadoes are fearsome because of their unpredictable nature. They can strike at any time of year and almost any place. Here's how to stay prepared! -
Hiring a Property Management Company? Consider These Five Traits
Hiring a professional property management company? Read on for five factors to consider when choosing the right property management company for your community association. -
How a Solid Flooring Policy Can Minimize Noisy Neighbor Problems in Your High-Rise
Do you hear every single step your upstairs neighbors take? Are they keeping you up at night? Before going ballistic, take a deep breath; it might not be their fault. -
How Can Our Association Board Avoid Common Mistakes?
It takes dedication to your community to want to run for the board of your association. Common mistakes that board members make can be addressed quickly and avoided! -
How to Create a Preventative Building Maintenance Plan
A comprehensive plan for preventative maintenance is a top priority with great benefits. It helps detect a problem before a failure, anticipates repairs, and extends the life of every critical asset in your building. -
How to Enhance Your Residential Building Entrance Lobby Design
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. What about the lobby of your building? Here are tips on optimizing your residential building entrance lobby design. -
How to Keep Holiday Spirit While Maintaining Holiday Decor Standards
It can be tough to balance festive and tasteful, when it comes to holiday décor. Setting policies for decorating will help maintain peace and goodwill for all within your association. -
How to Set Pet Policies for Your Community
Very few issues and problems that come up seem to have anything to do with pets. However, here are tips to help resolve any pet-related issues.