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Planning Your Next Virtual Annual Meeting
For New York City co-op and condo boards, virtual annual meetings are the new normal. FirstService Residential is here to help make your transition as seamless as possible. -
Reserve Fund? Special Assessment? Loan? 3 Ways to Fund Capital Improvements
Great capital improvements improve property values. Read on to see the three ways to pay for them and the pros and cons. -
Is Your HOA (Really) Prepared? 13 Questions to Assess Your Maintenance Plan
Avoid facing surprise HOA maintenance costs. Here are 13 questions to ask about your preventive maintenance plan. -
Staying Connected: Communication Best Practices for Board Members
These four components of a successful communication plan will help your board create and deliver effective messaging throughout the year. -
Delivering Value: FirstService Residential Energy Aggregation Purchasing Program
FirstService Residential has helped boards and building owners save millions of dollars in energy costs, in part, through our Energy Aggregation Purchasing Program. -
Virtual Board Meetings: Comprehensive Guidelines for Board Members
To help boards and shareholders navigate the legal and logistical nuances of virtual annual meetings, our property management experts have assembled a collection of best practices that address the most common concerns and logistical hurdles. -
Is Your HOA Maintenance Plan Proactive or Reactive? 12 Questions to Ask
Are you asking the right questions? A strong maintenance plan can be the difference between a well-run and run-down Arizona association. -
Automating Compliance & Inspections for Multifamily Buildings in NYC
Robust automation software can help boards and building owners in New York City satisfy local law compliance deadlines and inspection cycles. -
Residential EV Charging Stations: Benefits & Incentives for Multifamily Buildings
FirstService Residential recommends that all boards and building owners consider the installation of EV charging stations and incentives available through NYSERDA and ConEd. -
HOA Maintenance Checklist: Planning and Paying for Property Improvements
Want to keep your HOA or high-rise in tip-top shape for current and future residents? Learn how to plan and pay for maintenance and capital improvements. -
New York City Council Extends Local Law 152 Inspection Deadlines for Boards & Building Owners
As of November 2021, the New York City Council has extended Local Law 152 gas pipeline inspection deadlines for boards and building owners through June 30, 2022. -
How an HOA Preventative Maintenance Plan Can Keep Your Community From Walking on Thin Ice
Cold weather is upon us, so now is the time for your HOA to make sure your maintenance program is on track. Read this article to learn more. -
How an HOA Preventative Maintenance Plan Can Keep Your Community From Walking on Thin Ice
As a property manager, you always have to make sure your preventive maintenance program is on track. Read this article to learn more. -
Preparing for spring: 12 tips for HOA landscaping maintenance
A good spring-cleaning can do wonders for your community association. Here are some tips to get your started. -
Avoid Maintenance Surprises with a Property Maintenance Plan
There is no way to avoid surprises when it comes to the maintenance of your community. Preventative maintenance ensures that your systems are keeping future problems at bay; predictive maintenance is also effective. -
Which of These Three Maintenance Styles Describes You?
Nothing bites into your budget like maintenance issues. Whether it’s the grounds keeping and upkeep that you pay for on a regular basis or those surprise projects (natural disasters, anyone?) that sneak up on you, maintenance can account for an average of 25% or more of your overall expenditures. -
Ask the Experts: Rising Costs in Community Association Insurance
Insurance costs are rising, and budgeting for higher insurance premiums has become increasingly challenging for associations. Learn best practices for managing insurance premium increases. -
Understanding NYC Local Law 31: Lead Paint Inspections for Multifamily Buildings
New York City recently passed a series of new lead paint inspection laws that dictate how multifamily rental property owners must perform testing and maintenance moving forward. -
Broward County Fire Prevention Code Requires AEDs and BCKs
The Broward County Florida Fire Prevention Code has been amended to include new requirements for Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and Bleeding Control Kits (BCKs). Learn more. -
Ask the Expert: What Is Cyber Liability Insurance?
Communities are often targeted by cyber hackers because their databases house so much homeowner info. Learn more about cyber liability insurance straight from the expert. -
5 Steps to the Best Reserve Study Firm
Nothing lasts forever and you need to have a plan to replace major items and systems before their lifespans end. How do you create that plan? Start with a quality reserve study. -
5 Steps to the Best Reserve Study Firm
Nothing lasts forever and you need to have a plan to replace major items and systems before their lifespans end. How do you create that plan? Start with a quality reserve study. -
Keep Your Condo or Community Running Like a Well-Oiled Machine with a Solid Preventive Maintenance Plan
Learn the key components that should be included in a comprehensive preventive maintenance plan for your HOA or condo community. -
Keep Your Condo or Community Running Like a Well-Oiled Machine by Planning Preventive Maintenance
Learn the key components that should be included in a comprehensive preventive maintenance plan for your HOA or condo community.