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Four Factors That Will Shape Association Living in the Coming Decades
As a member of your Board, you know what the future holds for your community association. What about those issues you can't control? How will you handle them when they pop up? -
How Your Property Management Company Can Help Your Community Prepare for Tornadoes
Tornadoes are fearsome because of their unpredictable nature. They can strike at any time of year and almost any place. Here's how to stay prepared! -
Hiring a Property Management Company? Consider These Five Traits
Hiring a professional property management company? Read on for five factors to consider when choosing the right property management company for your community association. -
How a Solid Flooring Policy Can Minimize Noisy Neighbor Problems in Your High-Rise
Do you hear every single step your upstairs neighbors take? Are they keeping you up at night? Before going ballistic, take a deep breath; it might not be their fault. -
How Can Our Association Board Avoid Common Mistakes?
It takes dedication to your community to want to run for the board of your association. Common mistakes that board members make can be addressed quickly and avoided! -
How to Create a Preventative Building Maintenance Plan
A comprehensive plan for preventative maintenance is a top priority with great benefits. It helps detect a problem before a failure, anticipates repairs, and extends the life of every critical asset in your building. -
How to Enhance Your Residential Building Entrance Lobby Design
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. What about the lobby of your building? Here are tips on optimizing your residential building entrance lobby design. -
How to Keep Holiday Spirit While Maintaining Holiday Decor Standards
It can be tough to balance festive and tasteful, when it comes to holiday décor. Setting policies for decorating will help maintain peace and goodwill for all within your association. -
How to Set Pet Policies for Your Community
Very few issues and problems that come up seem to have anything to do with pets. However, here are tips to help resolve any pet-related issues. -
Is Your Staff Properly Trained to Respond to Emergencies?
Whether you live in a high-rise condominium, a gated community or an active adult community, emergencies happen. Does your onsite staff know what to do to protect residents and the community? -
Avoid Board Burnout: Ease Your Workload and Keep Your Sanity
Board members can become overly burdened and burn out. Working with a quality property management company can help ease board burden. Learn how. -
Managing Your Association’s Paperwork: 6 Tips to Make it Easier
You're not alone if organizing paperwork is not one of your favorite things to do? Follow these 6 tips to streamline your operations and increase efficiency. -
Part 1: Electric Cars and Charging Stations - Is Your Community Ready?
Ready to trade in your gas card for some time at the charging station? If so, you'll join those who have made the switch from gasoline-powered vehicles to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). -
Part 2: Installing Charging Stations for Electric Cars in Your Community
Electric cars have arrived and there has been a surge of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) purchases driving the need for charging stations. What does this mean for your association? -
Riding the Storm Out: How Your Property Management Company Can Help With Hurricane Planning
In recent years, hurricanes have become so large that they can affect the entire state of Florida and move well into Georgia, causing loss of power, flooding or sustained damage. -
5 Board Meeting Rules to Live By
The greatest strength of your board is the diverse perspectives of its members, but this can also present the biggest challenges. Creating the right dynamics will help your association board conduct business smoothly and efficiently. -
Seven Tips for Comparing and Finding a Reserve Study Firm in Georgia
Reserve studies are vital to the success of your association, which is why partnering with the right reserve study firm is critical. Here are some tips to help you find a reserve study firm. -
Should You Go National or Local When Choosing a Property Management Company?
For many condominium Boards, deciding to hire a property management firm is a move in the right direction, but there is a lot to consider. Read our article on factors to consider when making your decision. -
Six Essential Elements of a Great Community
If you ask anyone to describe what a great community looks like, they are likely to paint the picture of happy homeowners, smiling residents enjoying amenities, and well-kept neighborhoods that look amazing. -
Staff Changes Made Easy
Do you know what you should expect from your management company during staff transitions? -
Association Policy 101: How to Make Rules Without Making Enemies
As a board member, you know the importance of making rules and establishing policy; these must be clear and sensible. The process for creating and enforcing rules successfully is the same. -
Understanding the Fair Housing Act: Homeowners Association
All associations are subject to the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) and its antidiscrimination provisions. Stay informed to identify the ways you could be exposed to claims of discrimination. -
Want to Make Your Community Smoke-Free? Four Tips to Help
The dangers of smoking and secondhand smoke have been highlighted in recent years. Smoking also affects our physical environment by increasing risks of fire and property damage, raising insurance rates and increasing legal liability. -
What Radon Exposure Can Mean for You and Your Family
Radon can pose a very real threat to your health and well-being. Here's a basic overview of radon gas – what it is, where’s it’s found, the risks associated with it and how to protect your home and family from it.