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Understanding Nevada drone laws & rules in your association
You’ve probably seen stories about drones in the news. Or, you might be the owner of a drone yourself. Either way, you know that these unmanned, remote-piloted flight vehicles have come under scrutiny because of safety and privacy concerns. Is there a way your HOA can manage the use of drones in your community? -
Financial Statements 101 – the What, Why and How
Your board took the time to create a solid budget your association can stick to. Now how do you regularly measure your success at doing so? Regularly generated financial statements are the best tool for keeping an eye on the fiscal fitness of your association. -
Moving from Developer to HOA Control: How a Great Transition Team Can Ensure Success
Transitioning a community from control by the property developer to control by a homeowners association (HOA) can be a scary time for residents and a challenging process for HOA board members. -
Squatter Laws: Getting Rid of Uninvited "Guests"
While some surprises (birthday parties, a promotion or a new puppy) are good, many surprises such as a flat tire or an IRS audit are not. One particularly nasty surprise is finding out that someone has broken into your vacant property and moved in. Thankfully, during the last legislative session, new laws were passed to deal with “squatters” which allow you to (relatively) quickly and legally remove squatters from your property. -
How to Legally Remove Unauthorized Occupant
More and more landlords these days are experiencing a very troubling magic trick: one day their property is empty and the next – ta-da—a squatter. Read up on the Nevada squatters law and learn how to legally remove unauthorized occupants. -
Nevada's Comprehensive Guide to Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
Learn everything about Nevada's covenants, conditions, and restrictions with this guide to help communities manage their responsibilities effectively. -
What the New Nevada Laws on Marijuana Could Mean for Your HOA
As of January 1, 2018, marijuana sale for recreational use will be legal in Nevada. However, on December 31, 2020, the sales of both medical and recreational marijuana have been made legal throughout America. What, exactly, does the new law mean for your HOA? -
Alternative Amenity Programming for Residential Buildings
Following the temporary closure of fitness centers, interior lounges and other amenity spaces, boards and building owners may want to consider offering alternative programming for residents. -
Bisnow Interviews Dan Wurtzel, President of FirstService Residential New York, for ‘Beyond the Bio’ Executive Series'
Dan Wurtzel, President of First Service Residential’s New York office, was recently featured in Bisnow’s ‘Beyond the Bio’ series. -
From Beagles to Boxers: How to Take Care of a Dog in an Apartment
Here are some important tips and tricks to help keep both you and your furry friend healthy and happy. And as always, be sure to consult your vet or local breeder about how much daily activity is appropriate for your canine pal. -
The Ins & Outs of NYC Building Energy Rating and Energy Grades
FirstService Residential and FirstService Energy are prepared to help boards and owners identify capital improvements or retrofits that improve a building's energy efficiency score and letter grade. -
Opening Considerations for Gyms and Fitness Centers in Residential Buildings
Following the release of Interim Guidelines for Reopening Gyms/Fitness Centers, there are a number of procedures boards will need to consider when reopening fitness centers in residential buildings. -
Four ways to set decoration policies for your community without being a grinch
The holiday season is upon us, and nothing puts you in a festive mood than pulling your holiday decorations out of storage. Many people derive a sense of community and comfort from seeing familiar decorations at the same time each year. -
Saltwater Pools are the Future, and YES, They Have Chlorine!
Saltwater pools offer a variety of benefits ranging from greater comfort for swimmers -- say goodbye to burning eyes and dried out hair -- and also for the environment. This article explores why saltwater pools are gaining popularity in condominiums and communities here in the Greater Toronto area and around the world. -
Scary Fun: Halloween Safety Tips for Your Family and Community
Halloween is right around the corner and before it arrives there are many precautions we must take to ensure our kids and community are safe. As we prepare to celebrate let’s go over a checklist of safety measures we can take to make sure the little ghosts and goblins throughout our community are safe. -
Simple Energy Conservation Steps to Benefit Your Community This Winter
With the cold weather in the Ontario air we all would love to find ways to save money as condo owners. There are a lot of helpful tips that we as homeowners can start before winter arrives and continue during the remainder of the winter season. -
Tis the Season…Will Your Holiday Packages Arrive Safely and on Time?
It’s that wonderful time of year! Many of us are shopping online to get that perfect gift for our loved ones. And, for those doing last-minute shopping, we don’t want to have to worry that something will go wrong with our deliveries. -
Ways to Improve Your Condominium’s Lobby
How do you like to say “hello?” No matter what expression you use, chances are you like to take the opportunity to put your best foot forward and make a good first impression. -
EV Charging Event Top Takeaways
Missed the event? Discover our top takeaways for adding or optimizing EV Charging for your high-rise building. -
Municipal Duties Move to ‘Burbs as HOAs Must Step In
John Friedrichsen, Senior Vice President & CFO of FirstService Residential parent company FirstService Corporation, is quoted in USA Today about how HOAs benefit from the value-added services provided by leading professional management companies. -
Prioritizing and Managing Your Community's Property Maintenance and Improvement Needs
Handling day-to-day maintenance and making necessary improvements are critical responsibilities for any homeowners association (HOA). And when your serve on your association’s board of directors, they can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have a good system in place to manage them. So how do you make sure that your maintenance staff is able to handle that long list of tasks that need to get done so that your community runs smoothly and retains its appeal? -
Home for Sale? Six Tips to Add Value and Appeal
For most people selling a condominium, it is important to stand out from the competition in the real estate market, have a quick sale and obtain the best possible price. But how do you do that? The way your property is presented to potential buyers makes a big difference. Consider these tips to help you achieve real estate sales success. -
Renting your condo: Understanding the Condo Property Act of Alberta
When renting your condominium, both owner and tenant have responsibilities under the Condominium Property Act of Alberta (CPA). These are in addition to rights and responsibilities for landlords and tenants covered in the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).