
Showing 97 - 120 of 176
  • Holiday Decorations Dos and Don’ts: HOA Rules For Holiday Decorations

    How to establish decorating policies without being a grinch. Keep spirits bright this season for the whole community!
  • Keep Your Community Safe During Summer Vacations

    Summer time – the perfect season to hit the road, relax, spend time with family and friends, or embark on a new adventure. While you hope your residents have fun on their summer vacations, you also want to make sure that their homes stay safe and they fulfill their responsibilities to the association while away. Whether you live in a condominium, master-planned or single-family community, you want to make sure that your residents prepare their homes in a way that helps protect themselves and the community.
  • Keep Your HOA Community Safe During Summer Vacations

    Summertime: It’s the perfect season to hit the road, relax, spend time with family and friends or embark on a new adventure. Although you hope that residents in your community have fun on their summer vacations, you also want to make sure that their homes stay safe and that they continue to fulfill their responsibilities to the association. Whether yours is a condominium, master-planned or single-family community, follow these tips to help your residents prepare their homes in a way that protects it and the community while they are away.
  • Planning an Award-Winning National Night Out Event

    National Night Out is an annual event that promotes partnerships between communities, residents and local law enforcement. Celebrations can range from individual block parties to a large community festival. Either way, it’s a great opportunity to create connections between neighbors and focus on working together to make your community a safer, better place to live. This national celebration has become an annual tradition in many communities far and wide and we want to help you put together the best National Night Out event your association has seen yet.
  • HOA Lighting Rules: How Your HOA Can Prevent a Holiday Light Trespass Issue

    Holiday lights can brighten the community, but they also have a down side. Learn tips to minimize issues in your HOA with sensible policies.
  • Prioritizing and Managing Your Community's Property Maintenance and Improvement Needs

    Handling day-to-day maintenance and making necessary improvements are critical responsibilities for any homeowners association (HOA). And when your serve on your association’s board of directors, they can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have a good system in place to manage them. So how do you make sure that your maintenance staff is able to handle that long list of tasks that need to get done so that your community runs smoothly and retains its appeal?
  • HOA home security tips: How to secure your home in the holidays

    Before you book that vacation or buy the perfect gift, here are a few holiday home security tips to keep you and your community safe.
  • Set Holiday Décor Standards Without Being a Scrooge

    It's easy to get enthusiastic about holiday decorating. How do you keep your residents from going overboard without being a scrooge? Read on for simple tips to keep holidays in your community merry!
  • Building Security Tips for the Holiday Season

    Security risks increase exponentially during the holiday seasons for high-rise buildings. Many residents travel for the holidays, move to warmer weather during the winter months, or have an influx of guests and family members in and out. These factors make it easy for intruders to make it into the building, especially if there are no procedures in place to track the many people and deliveries in and out of the building.
  • Cyber-Security Part One: How Residents in Condo Communities Can Protect Their Tech

    Like it or not, we have become very dependent on our technology. Whether it’s a cell phone, tablet or computer, our devices enable us to stay connected, conduct business and access information anywhere, anytime. Yet as convenient as these devices may be, cyber security is simply not a priority for the majority of tech users—despite the increased prevalence of cyber attacks. One recent attack even occurred in our own backyard at the University of Alberta. In part one of our two-part series, we look at why cyber security is so important to condo associations. We also provide important steps that residents in your condo community can take to protect their technology so that sensitive information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
  • Cyber Security Part Two: Board Member Tips for Keeping Your Condo Association Safe

    In part one of this two-part series, we discussed the importance of cyber security to your condo association and the steps that residents can take to protect themselves and their association. In this article, we look at your board’s responsibility in preventing cyber attacks.
  • 11 home safety tips you should know

    Don’t make it easy for criminals to get into your home. These 11 common sense tips will help homeowners improve the security of their property and make it safer for their families.
  • Four ways to set decoration policies for your condominium corporation without being a grinch

    Lights, candles and wreaths, oh my! The most decorated season of the year is arriving, with celebrations from many cultures and faiths coinciding in the next few months. For condo communities, the desire to deck the halls can clash with the rules of the corporation. Follow these tips to maintain a festive community without décor running amok.
  • How to Protect Your Condo Corporation From Cyberattacks

    When it comes to cyberattacks, you may be under the assumption that your condo corporation is flying under the radar. But you’d be dead wrong. In fact, as a small business, your corporation may be at greater risk of being targeted than ever before.
  • Renting your condo: Understanding the Condo Property Act of Alberta

    When renting your condominium, both owner and tenant have responsibilities under the Condominium Property Act of Alberta (CPA). These are in addition to rights and responsibilities for landlords and tenants covered in the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA).
  • What Your Condo Corporation Needs to Know About the Legalization of Recreational Cannabis

    The Canadian Senate passed Bill C-45 , known as the ‘Cannabis Act’, in June 2018 which legalized the recreational use of cannabis across Canada. The first G-7 country to do so! When Bill C-45 goes into effect on October 17 th , Canadians will be able to purchase, consume and grow up to four cannabis plants, as well as make cannabis-containing products at home.
  • Long-Term Community Planning is Your Legacy

    Adequate funding and planning preserves your community for future residents.
  • Managing Package Deliveries During the Holiday Season

    Managing package deliveries has become a necessity for condo associations and as the holidays arrive it's more important than ever to be organized for the onslaught deliveries. Check out our tips for managing packages during this busy time of year.
  • Winterizing Your Community Association

    Now is the time for building engineers to winterize their buildings to protect them from harsh Illinois winters.
  • Watch the Webinar: Lifestyle Trends for 2021

    Catch our latest online discussion with our lifestyle gurus, who'll discuss this year's lifestyle trends, best practices and hosting virtual events.
  • Market Trends & Best Practices: Property Insurance for Boards & Building Owners in 2021

    Around the world, the property and casualty insurance industry experienced record losses from 2016 to 2019, and consumers are now feeling the effects on both a macro and micro scale.
  • Mitigating Board Liability & Personal Exposure – Part One

    A capable management company will enforce procedures and invest in technologies that help limit legal liability for the condo or co-op, and also mitigate board member personal exposure.
  • Mitigating Board Liability & Personal Exposure – Part Two

    Policy exclusions introduce increased risk to the board and often render a contractor’s policy meaningless. Properly vetting a contractor’s insurance is critical.
  • 5 Things to Know About Adequate Staffing

    Does your homeowners association have adequate staff for the services that you provide? Learn how to staff your community effectively.
Showing 97 - 120 of 176