
Showing 241 - 264 of 381
  • Why Career Changers Should Consider Property Management Careers

    Are you looking for a new career path? Why not try property management? Working as a Property Manager will allow you to connect with people to form a sense of community and help enhance their lives as residents. Learn more about how joining the property management industry could fulfill your career dreams.
  • Board Member Basics: Learn the Language of Your Texas Board

    Association terms that every board member should know and understand.
  • Was Your Texas Owner's Association Board Successful in 2018?

    Would you say that your Board was successful in 2018? Read on to see what residents are saying about homeowner's associations nationwide!
  • What makes a good community? Three things to know

    How would you describe what a great community looks like? Would you paint a picture of happy homeowners, smiling faces, exceptional amenities and a well-kept property with excellent curb appeal? Great community living may look easy to establish, but a lot of work goes into maintaining each aspect of that perfect community. Let’s take a look at three key elements that make a community great.
  • Four Ways to Prep for Your Texas Association Annual Meeting

    Consider 4 key elements when preparing for your Annual Meeting. Get practical tips today!
  • How to run a successful Texas HOA annual meeting

    The number one reason associations fail to meet quorum is the lack of participation by their homeowners. Knowing this, we’ve put together a list of practical ideas to help increase homeowner participation and alleviate the worry about whether or not you will have enough attendance to hold your meeting.
  • 10 questions to ask a Texas HOA management company

    How do you determine which property management company will provide you with the best service? Here are 10 questions that you should ask when consulting with property or homeowner association (HOA) management companies to help you make the important decision.
  • Keep Things on Track With Our HOA Annual Meeting Checklist

    Whether your association is faced with presenting positive or potentially controversial announcements, you can probably expect a few homeowners to raise their questions and concerns during your annual meeting, making it difficult to keep your meeting on track. To help, here are a few things you can do to limit distractions or interruptions and keep the meeting rolling full steam ahead.
  • Municipal Duties Move to ‘Burbs as HOAs Must Step In

    John Friedrichsen, Senior Vice President & CFO of FirstService Residential parent company FirstService Corporation, is quoted in USA Today about how HOAs benefit from the value-added services provided by leading professional management companies.
  • Prioritizing and Managing Your Community's Property Maintenance and Improvement Needs

    Handling day-to-day maintenance and making necessary improvements are critical responsibilities for any homeowners association (HOA). And when your serve on your association’s board of directors, they can quickly become overwhelming if you don’t have a good system in place to manage them. So how do you make sure that your maintenance staff is able to handle that long list of tasks that need to get done so that your community runs smoothly and retains its appeal?
  • Quick Tips to Preparing an Annual Association Budget

    The half-year mark has come and gone and we’re now staring budget preparation season in the face. With just a little preparation you can charge forward to tackle this budget with confidence. As North America’s leading association management company we are no strangers to annual budgets. In our experience the first step to successful budget planning is a little preparation. Here are a few quick tips to get you started on the right foot.
  • Top Five Tips for Board Member Success

    After partnering with thousands of board members like you, we've identified 5 tips to help you be successful this year.
  • 3 Facts About Insurance Your Condo Corporation Should Know

    You and your fellow board members want what’s best for your condo corporation. You’re serious about your fiduciary duty and about protecting the corporation’s interests. Misunderstanding some important facts about insurance can actually put your community may be at risk.
  • 5 Ways to Create Sensible Condo Policies

    Every condominium corporation needs rules and policies. But if your condo board doesn’t carefully think them through or doesn’t implement them properly, they can backfire. Rules that go too far or enforcement that is inconsistent or lax can lead to animosity among residents and can chip away at your condo’s sense of community. How can your board implement rules and policies that won’t cause these types of problems?
  • Effects of frozen pipes in cold weather and how to avoid them

    Frozen pipes are an unwanted, but common, occurrence during Alberta's cold winters. The damage caused can be significant to condominium units and shared property. Our cold weather warning offers condominium residents tips to prevent frozen pipes and the water damage that results.
  • Condominium Corporation Budgets: Creating a Road Map to Success

    It’s budget season! Are you stressed? Concerned about a potential dues increase or a large capital project that’s looming in the future? The word “budget” can be scary, so thinking about creating next year’s budget is daunting for many homeowners boards. We’d like to change that.
  • Condominium Corporation Budgets: Mapping Out Your Strategic Plan

    Get the details on creating a strategic plan for your community.
  • Condominium Corporation Budgets: Things to Consider When Creating Your Budget

    The annual budgeting process offers an opportunity for your board to explore your condominium’s current financial condition and to ensure your community’s financial stability for the future. Successful condominium management hinges on a well thought out budget for both short-term and long-term planning.
  • Condominium Management Basics – 10 Helpful Hints

    As a board member of a condominium corporation you have an important role that should not be taken lightly. Remember, in addition to the responsibility you have to the members of your community from a business point of view, these people are also your neighbours and friends.
  • Condominium Property Management: Self-Manage or Hire a Professional?

    Self-managing your condominium property may seem like it saves money, but does it really? Why the cheapest property management option may not be the best.
  • Creating a Condo Flooring Policy to Address Noise Issues

    When people live in close quarters, it is inevitable that they will hear sounds from neighbouring condos from time to time. Noise between units can be minimized in many ways. One of the most effective tools for a condominium board to implement is a flooring policy that guides owners when they want to replace their floor coverings. Choosing the right products makes a big difference when it comes to the transfer of noise between condominium units.
  • Drowning in Paperwork? Six Guidelines for Getting it Organized

    We all know that “organizing paperwork” is not at the top of most people’s list of things-to-do. Most likely we also know that it suddenly achieves high importance when we have to ask ourselves “now where did I see/put that?” When speaking of the documents of a condominium corporation, it is imperative that these be accessible and up-to-date when they are needed. These six guidelines will help you get it organized.
  • Getting the Right Training to Be a Successful Board Member

    Most people who join the board of their condominium corporation aren’t experts. Rather, they are well-intentioned, dedicated volunteer-leaders who want to protect property values and ensure their community continues to be a great place to live. If you’re a new board member – or even a seasoned one – it’s important to get the training you need to govern effectively and address the issues you may face.
  • Getting Your Building's Spring Cleaning Started

    As community managers begin property inspection, they note the necessary repairs for winter damage as they make their rounds through the community. T
Showing 241 - 264 of 381