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Eight Easy Steps to Preparing a Budget that Works
Your budget should be a tool to move your community to action, and as such, it is important to follow some guidelines. Below are eight tips for preparing a budget that works. -
Fire Safety Tips for Condos and High-Rises
High-rises come with challenges, and chief among them is fire safety. Here are four Fire Safety Tips from the experts at National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). -
How a Solid Flooring Policy Can Minimize Noisy Neighbor Problems in Your High-Rise
Do you hear every single step your upstairs neighbors take? Are they keeping you up at night? Before going ballistic, take a deep breath; it might not be their fault. -
Keeping Your Budget Healthy in the Age of COVID-19
Learn ways your association can offset the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Part 1: Electric Cars and Charging Stations - Is Your Community Ready?
Ready to trade in your gas card for some time at the charging station? If so, you'll join those who have made the switch from gasoline-powered vehicles to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). -
Part 2: Installing Charging Stations for Electric Cars in Your Community
Electric cars have arrived and there has been a surge of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) purchases driving the need for charging stations. What does this mean for your association? -
5 Steps to the Best Reserve Study Firm
Nothing lasts forever and you need to have a plan to replace major items and systems before their lifespans end. How do you create that plan? Start with a quality reserve study. -
Seven Tips for Comparing and Finding a Reserve Study Firm in Georgia
Reserve studies are vital to the success of your association, which is why partnering with the right reserve study firm is critical. Here are some tips to help you find a reserve study firm. -
Ten Ways to Take Your Rooftop to the Next Level
When it comes to upgrading your high-rise amenities, start at the top: your rooftop! That space can be enhanced to offer new opportunities for fun, relaxation and building community, while also enhancing your property values. -
The Surprising Way to Make the Most of Your Association’s Budget
Discover some things that your management company should be doing to maximize your operating budget and keep your association fiscally fit. -
Too Many Packages? How Your High-Rise Can Manage the Holiday Rush
Online holiday shopping is a common way to find the perfect gift while saving time and money. Shoppers worry about; will I get it in time and safely? -
Upgrading Your High-Rise Amenities without Busting Your Budget
High-rise living has many perks, and high on that list is the amenities. For many home buyers, amenities can be the deciding factor when determining to buy a unit in one building over another. -
Slow and Steady: 5 Surprising Benefits of Raising Your Dues
It’s that time of year again – budget season is upon us. You know the things to consider when creating your budget, but what drives your process? Are you focused on achieving a particular vision for your community? Avoiding conflict in the community? Solely looking to avoid increasing dues? -
Four Ways Illinois Condos/Co-ops and HOAs Can Save Money on Energy Bills with the Best Property Management Services
Energy conservation and managing HOA community environmental footprints are crucial, but board members have a responsibility to homeowners to exercise financial prudence and proactively seek ways to manage rising costs. -
Asphalt Repairs: Fixing Winter’s Damage
As community managers begin inspection, they note the necessary repairs for winter damage as they make their rounds through the community. -
How preventive maintenance can keep your HOA ready for all seasons
Cold weather will soon be upon us, so now is the time for your homeowner association (HOA) to make sure your maintenance program is on track. As brutal as Chicago winters can be, you certainly don't want to discover a leak in your roof during a heavy snowfall or have a boiler stop working during a record cold spell. Don't get caught in the cold! -
Is Energy Taking a Big Bite Out of Your HOA’s Operating Budget?
You may not be able to control rising utility rates, but your condo or homeowners association (HOA) can take measures to make your energy budget go a lot further. Just follow the four strategies described in this article. They’ve already worked for many Illinois properties managed by FirstService Residential. -
Is Your Management Company a Good Communicator?
Is good communication important to your property management company? Use this questionaire to find out. -
LED Lighting Offers a Bright Way for Condo Associations to Save
Has your condo association been looking high and low for ways to save energy and money? The answer may be right over your head. Switching to LED bulbs can reduce your lighting costs by up to 75 percent. In this article, we answer common questions and shed some light on the benefits of LED lighting. -
Planning Your High-Rise Maintenance and Capital Improvements
Your association should never have to rely on a special assessment for a capital expense that could have been foreseen – or even prevented. Here are five tips to keep your Chicago high-rise condominium association's budget in the black and keep up with maintenance and capital improvements. -
Tis the Season…Will Your Holiday Packages Arrive Safely and on Time?
It’s that wonderful time of year! Many of us are shopping online to get that perfect gift for our loved ones. And, for those doing last-minute shopping, we don’t want to have to worry that something will go wrong with our deliveries. -
How Can My Association Fund Capital Improvements?
Nothing lasts forever…and when it comes time to replace your high-rise roof, community pool or to add new amenities, your association will need to determine how to pay for it. All of these things – significant repairs and replacements, as well as new construction – are considered capital improvements. -
How Can My Association Increase its Capital Improvement Budget?
Nothing lasts forever…and when it comes time to replace your high-rise roof, community pool or to add new amenities, your association will need to determine how to pay for it. All of these things – significant repairs and replacements, as well as new construction – are considered capital improvements.