It can be daunting trying to go green. With numerous programs and opportunities available to reduce, re-use and recycle, it’s hard to know where to begin. 


An established residential property management company can get you started with the basics: waste management, which includes recycling. Aside from more complex measures such as pursuing alternative energies, waste management can be fairly simple to implement. 


The following tips represent a series of small changes you can make that, together, may add up to a significant difference for your strata – and the planet. To help your property become more environmentally friendly, here are a few tips for an effective waste management program. 


1. Don’t trash those electronics.
Electronic waste is a growing concern, especially when you consider the amount of technology that all of us own and the frequency with which many of us update our different technology products. It is better to recycle or donate old laptops, desktop computers, televisions, DVD and Blu-ray players, cell phones, and tablets than it is to send them to the landfill. Local electronics store can point you towards the right drop-off locations for specific electronic items, or there may be organizations in your area that specialize in salvaging outdated electronics as a source for parts, or as donated items. 


2. Start smart.
Sometimes reducing waste is as simple as purchasing products that do not produce much waste. Search for goods that come in environmentally-friendly packaging, and choose companies that focus on sustainable, planet-friendly practices. You may also elect to purchase items in bulk packaging that will last longer and generate less waste.  


3. Remember to recycle.
Nearly everything these days is recyclable – even some items you may think are not. Though there are too many to list here, recyclable products include: batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, aluminum cans glass, office paper, cardboard, newspaper, tree clippings, yard trimmings, used motor oil, food waste, appliances (stoves, washers, dryers, refrigerators etc.) and even vehicle shells. Leading property management companies can partner with your strata in maximizing your recycling efforts. 


4. Attend an event...or host one.
Building a green community is a friendly way to find out new ways to operate more sustainably and discover new resources to help with your waste management efforts. Many municipalities and cities hold ongoing recycling events. Your local waste management and recycling companies can also be helpful community partners. A simple Google search is sometimes all that is necessary to find out what is happening in your neighbourhood. If you are willing, you can always host a green event in your own in your community. Strong property management companies are adept at planning and marketing events, and they can help connect you with community partners that can potentially help make your function a success. 


A global approach to a more sustainable planet starts locally. Your strata can play a role in reducing waste, preserving resources, and spreading the word about the importance of waste management and recycling – and an experienced property management company can help you make it happen. To find out more, contact FirstService Residential, Greater Vancouver’s property management leader.

Thursday February 05, 2015